Search Results for: video pins

hand holding iphone with pin images on screen with text "pinterest video pins - everything you need to know".

326 – Video Pins Update

UPDATE: All Pin types on Pinterest are now considered just a “Pin”. We used to have video Pins, Idea Pins, carousel Pins, and more. In mid-2023, Pinterest changed up their verbiage to now just have one Pin type, which includes all the features that the different Pin types had before. For more information, click here….

top of table with mobile device and movie camera. Text overlay "3 keys to creating video pins that convert".

#187 – Creating Pinterest Video Pins that Convert + a New SPM Service!

In today’s episode, we are talking about something that has been such a huge topic of conversation: creating Pinterest video pins. We’re diving into how to create them, how to get views and clicks, and current best practices. Ready to dive in? At SPM, we’ve been working behind-the-scenes for a couple of months on a…

If you're a vlogger, Promoted Video may be just what you need to propel your site traffic. Heres everything you need to know.

Video Promoted Pins and Hashtags on Pinterest: Tips and Strategies

On today’s podcast, I have a guest who has been here several times already and always has the latest and most helpful information to share with us. Alisa Meredith is the content marketing manager for Tailwind, which is our preferred Pinterest scheduling platform here at Simple Pin. Alisa is an expert on all things promoted…

Magnifying glass and pin images. Text Reads: "What can we learn from 1 million pins?"

411- Analyzing 1 Million pins

On today’s episode of the Simple Pin Podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Danny Maloney, CEO and co-founder of Tailwind. We explored their recent groundbreaking study, where they analyzed over 1 million Pinterest pins. Tailwind’s research dives deep into how Pinterest operates as a marketing platform, offering insights that challenge some long-standing beliefs about…

illustration of Pinterest tagging feature - text "Tagging Products on Pinterest".

#254 – Pinterest Shopping Features Update – Product Tagging in Idea Pins

UPDATE 2024: There have been a lot of changes since this episode was released – to Pin format, Idea Pins, product tagging, and more. This YouTube video, also embedded below, has the most up-to-date information you need (as of June 2023)! Please accept marketing cookies to view the YouTube video. Today we’re talking about product…

Screenshot of Pinterest idea pins collage - Text "Story Pins are Now Idea Pins!".

#252 – Pinterest Idea Pins: How They Can Grow Your Audience & Generate Revenue

Pinterest idea pins – they’re here to stay. Join us today as we make the case for getting on board! Idea pins are time-consuming. So are they worth all the effort? Today we’ll update you on the idea pin feature and talk about why you should be including them in your winning strategy. We know…

collage of Pinterest pins - text "what do the most popular pins on Pinterest have in common".

#234 – What Do The Most Popular Pins on Pinterest Have in Common?

  Today’s podcast takeaway is this — the most popular pins on Pinterest tell a story. That’s why people interact with them. When we dig deep and ask ourselves how we’re going to market our business to get the right people to engage with our content, sometimes we lose sight of the need to use…