Search Results for: business success story

collage of Pinterest pins - text "Pinterest Ads Tips for 2022: Your Complete Guide".

#266 – Pinterest Ads in 2022: What You Need to Know

As the landscape for ads has changed drastically in the online world, business owners are wondering where to put their ad dollars next, especially with iOS updates and increasing costs. Pinterest is a good choice, but people are confused about how Pinterest fits into their overall marketing plan. They want to know how Pinterest ads…

laptop computer with Pinterest displayed - 7 Must Have Strategies for Marketing on Pinterest Right Now.

#260 – Marketing on Pinterest: 7 Must-Have Strategic Elements

Today we’re going to be talking about seven strategic elements that are vital for marketing on Pinterest right now (end of 2021). Although every strategy is unique to each individual business, There are seven elements that must be incorporated into a successful Pinterest marketing strategy. Strategy is such a buzz word on Pinterest. People drop…

woman sitting at desk typing on laptop computer - text "Pinterest Marketing for Self Publishers".

#259 – How to Promote Your Book + The Benefits of Self-Publishing

Being an author in a heavily digital age can be a challenge when it comes to marketing a book. In this episode we are diving into the world of self-publishing and talking with Jason Logsdon of Amazing Food Made Easy about how to promote your book using effective marketing strategies. Even if the thought of…

illustration of Pinterest tagging feature - text "Tagging Products on Pinterest".

#254 – Pinterest Shopping Features Update – Product Tagging in Idea Pins

UPDATE 2024: There have been a lot of changes since this episode was released – to Pin format, Idea Pins, product tagging, and more. This YouTube video, also embedded below, has the most up-to-date information you need (as of June 2023)! Please accept marketing cookies to view the YouTube video. Today we’re talking about product…

Screenshot of Pinterest idea pins collage - Text "Story Pins are Now Idea Pins!".

#252 – Pinterest Idea Pins: How They Can Grow Your Audience & Generate Revenue

Pinterest idea pins – they’re here to stay. Join us today as we make the case for getting on board! Idea pins are time-consuming. So are they worth all the effort? Today we’ll update you on the idea pin feature and talk about why you should be including them in your winning strategy. We know…

woman scrolling on iphone - text "Recent Pinterest ios app changes that affect Pinterest Marketers".

#250 – Pinterest iOS App: What You Need to Know About the Latest Update

Today we’re talking about the most recent Pinterest iOS app update as well as the newest Pinterest iOS widget — Interests. The latest features and updates were launched back in February 2021 but we’ve learned a lot about both since then. We’ll discuss how these new features are being used and how you can take…

woman with a letter board - text "repurposing social media content to make pin creation easier".

#249 – Repurposing Social Media Content to Make Pin Creation Easier

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, fatigued by constant social media content creation? The answer is repurposing social media content! If you have been in the online marketing world for more than a week, you’ve heard how important new content is for every channel…especially Pinterest. With a business to run and content to create, we could all use…

desk workspace - text "2021 Pinterest Marketing Myths that you should NOT believe".

#245 – Pinterest Marketing Myths Debunked: 2021 Edition

We’ve tackled Pinterest marketing myths in previous podcasts but it’s been a while. Let’s bust some of the myths that have surfaced (or continued to persist) in 2021. We hear rumors, theories, and misinformation about Pinterest all the time. Separating truth from myth can be a bit frustrating and time-consuming. No one has time to…

fashionable woman walking on street - text "Pinterest marketing for fashion content creators".

#243 – Fashion on Pinterest: Pinterest Marketing in the Fashion Industry

Fashion on Pinterest is like butter on bread. It’s one of the core niches that the platform is known for. In fact, Pinterest is often the first place people come to discover their new look. For these reasons, having a solid Pinterest marketing strategy is critical to success in the fashion industry. Today we are…