Free Checklist script.

The only Pinterest ads checklist

you’ll ever need…

Created by the Pinterest ads specialists at Simple Pin Media, this checklist will remove the frustration and guesswork of setting up Pinterest ads. No more second guessing!

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collage of images featuring pinterest ads campaign checklist.

this pinterest ads checklist was
created for you!

Over years of working with clients, our team has developed this checklist to make setting up Pinterest ads quick and efficient. Created with YOU and YOUR business in mind.

This checklist will help you feel confident that you’ve taken all of the steps necessary to hit the launch button!

ipad with pinterest ads checklist on screen.

What quick wins can you expect from this checklist?

  • A website and Pinterest account prepped to run ads
  • Confidence that you haven’t missed a step!
  • The exact steps to walk through when setting up an ads campaign

Grab YOUR FREE checklist…

and start prepping your perfect ad campaign today!

Be confident, be effective, be efficient with your Pinterest ads. This checklist will help make sure you don’t miss a step!

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If you’re interested in having our team fully manage your Pinterest ads campaign, click here for more information.