Welcome, it’s time to learn about catalog Ads on Pinterest

We know catalog ads can be confusing

Welcome! We’re glad that you’re here. We are Simple Pin Media, a Pinterest marketing agency. We have one goal — make Pinterest marketing easier. This includes both organic and paid marketing on the Pinterest platform.

The video below is all about Catalog Ads on Pinterest. Erin, the director of advertising and design at Simple Pin Media, recorded this for you AND our Simple Pin Ads Society (SPAS) members.

Below the video, you’ll find a special offer to join the Simple Pin Ads Society just for friends of Monica Froese. It’s a limited-time offer just for YOU. Make sure you join before May 31, 2024.

Catalog Ads on Pinterest

Here is a link to the resource mentioned in the video

Ready to go deeper with Pinterest ads?

Running effective Pinterest ads is 1 part education, 1 part implementation, and 1 part troubleshooting. Combine all 3 of those parts and you have the ultimate place to grow your business using Pinterest Ads — the Simple Pin Ads Society.

Because we love Monica and her community we’re offering you the low rate of $37/month to join the membership. No long-term commitments, you can cancel at any time. This special monthly rate is available through May 31, 2024.

We take the guesswork out of Pinterest Ads!

Simple Pin Ad Society logo - black text on a white background.

Get your time back and run effective Pinterest ads…

  • No more frustration trying to figure out what type of Pinterest ads campaign to choose.
  • Eliminate confusion about the best way to launch a campaign.
  • Stop wondering what your campaign data means.
  • Find the right testing method to stop running underperforming ads.
down arrow.

The Simple Pin Ads Society is for you if you’ve felt frustrated by Pinterest Ads.
No more Googling or late nights spent trying to figure things out.

In this MEMBERSHIP You’ll receive:

smiling woman talking with text "workshops".


Monthly scheduled workshops covering specific Pinterest ads topics you care about. Whether it’s an industry expert or the SPM Pinterest ads team, these workshops give you the chance to learn the quickest and best way to execute a Pinterest ad.

This is THE PLACE to stay up to date with the latest in Pinterest ads.

laptop open on table with text "hot seat".

Ad hot seats

Every business owner wants an expert’s feedback. And that’s just what we’ve built into our hot seats. As an Ads Society member, you will have an opportunity to have your campaigns assessed by the Simple Pin team!

Not only is this a huge learning opportunity, but the perfect opportunity to watch an expert give advice and tips that you can bring into your own strategy.

ipad on desk with text on screen "simple pin ads society".

community forum

One of our members said, “…the Ads Society Forum alone is worth the monthly investment”. We won’t argue there! Think of it like having the pros at your fingertips.

The forum allows you to ask questions, while you’re working on your Pinterest ads campaigns. Whether you want to run an ad creative by us or double-check to see if your targeting is in place, we’re here to answer those specific questions for you.

Our team is in the forum 5 days a week!

smiling woman talking with text "pinterest ads q&a".

Live q&a coaching calls

Everyone has questions, and one of the best places to get answers is in our live Q&A calls. These calls are a great learning experience. Not only do you get your questions answered, but you’re about to learn from other members’ questions, as well.

smiling woman next to testimonial text.

smiling woman next to testimonial.

It’s time to get the most out of your Pinterest Ads

headshot of Erin Harding, Promoted Pins Director at Simple Pin Media.

Hi, I’m Erin


I know what it feels like to feel so frustrated with Pinterest ads you feel like giving up. I’ve been there with clients and it’s no fun.

I helped to create the Simple Pin Ads society to save you time, frustration, and hours searching the internet for answers. After working on hundreds of campaigns and learning all the tricks of the trade, I’ve got some systems and hacks to share with you.

Yes, it changes often but I can help you learn how to run Pinterest ads in a way that is efficient, effective, and gets the results you want for your business.

Smart Questions to Ask…

Do I have to have a Facebook account to take full advantage of the membership?

Nope! Our membership is 100% inside the membership platform hosted on Kajabi. Also comes with an app!

I’ve never used Pinterest ads before, does this membership work for beginners?

This membership does not require you to have already worked with Pinterest ads, however, general Pinterest and marketing knowledge is required to better understand our teachings. We will NOT be teaching any general Pinterest marketing education.

Can I engage on my own timeline or do I have to be available during specific times?

YES! You can engage at your leisure, as little or as much as you would like. Our workshops go live on a specific date, but they will be in the dashboard and available to replay at any time. The Q&A sessions will be live, but you can re-watch them at any time. You can also submit questions ahead of time to be answered. The Hot Seats will also be prerecorded and can be watched at any time. 

Do I have to sign a contract or can I cancel anytime?

We’d love for you to join us for three months to get the full community experience, but there is no monthly commitment. If you’d like to join for one month to try it out, feel free! If you want to cancel, just follow the instructions inside the membership site and give us at least 7 business days’ notice.


smiling woman next to testimonial.

smiling woman next to testimonial.

If you have any questions, email us at adssociety@simplepinmedia.com.

We always love sharing all we know about Pinterest ads. Cheers!

Membership Terms and Conditions