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Want the key to getting more traffic from Pinterest?

It’s all inside the Pinterest Insights Dashboard! 

No thanks. I’ll just take my freebie! 

Image of traffic insights

“I bought this after I listened to the Simple Pin Collective coaching call and it’s gold!!! 


I really love the simplicity of the dashboard and how easy it is to see what to work on/update next. I’ve been one to avoid the numbers, so I see this being a game-changer for me.”

– Pam Odd — Simple Pin Collective student

your analytics are the key to more clicks, sales and conversions!

  • Know what pins are driving the most traffic
  • Get to know your Pinterest audience
  • Long or short Pins – Learn which designs are best for your audience.
  • Evaluate your year-over-year growth
  • Discover which Pins are the best fit for Promoted Pins.

For just a short time, you can buy the Pinterest Insights Dashboard from Simple Pin Media for only $29!

**One-time set up takes less than 10 minutes! It uses info from Google Analytics to create a tailored version of your analytics. You MUST have Google Analytics for this to work.

Note — this will only work with the universal Google Analytics (the original version), not G4, the latest version.

Kate Ahl working at her desk.

What is the Pinterest Insights Dashboard?

An analytics dashboard that brings all the stats and actionable tips to you with one click so you can make smart Pinterest business decisions. 

No more guessing on what content to create or throwing darts on what pins to pins, you can see EXACTLY what your audience is interested just by opening up your dashboard. 

Image of traffic insights

Quickly see the breakdown of your Pinterest audience:

  • Interests,
  • Age,
  • Devices, and
  • Gender.

Plus year-over-year comparison so you know when you’re actually down and not just a typical seasonal low. 

screenshot of Pinterest Insights Dashboard.

Top posts, top referring pins, posts from tribes and so much more! 

This is a similar dashboard to the one we use at Simple Pin Media for our clients. Now you get to see a glimpse of what we report to them each and every month. Plus, we’re giving you simple, actionable tips on each page of the dashboard.

“Personal experience: Google Analytics totally overwhelms me, the first time I used the Google Data Studio dashboard, I’m pretty sure I heard angel’s singing. It’s just straight to the point, which I really appreciate!”

– SPM team director –


How do I get access to the dashboard?

Right after you purchase, you’ll receive an email from me with instructions and a video on how to get your dashboard connected. Please follow the instructions to get up and running within 10 minutes. 

Do I need to be connected to Google Analytics?

Yes. Your site will need to be connected to Google Analytics. Our instruction video will walk you through how to connect your Google Analytics to Google Data Studio. 

What is Google Data Studio?

It’s a free Google program that allows you to build interactive dashboards and automated reports so you can make smart business decisions. It’s the platform where we’ve created the Pinterest Insights dashboard. 

Will this work with G4?

G4 is the latest version of Google Analytics and is not compliant with Data Studio unless you still have the Universal Analytics code installed. We recommend you keep both UA and G4 installed on your site so it will work with this dashboard. 

“I have found the dashboard to be helpful in finding the information I was looking for.One of the things that sold me on the product was the ability to see performance on pins from Tribes. I had no idea how to get that information from Google Analytics, so I was definitely curious when I read that the dashboard could present that data.

I was also able to see just how important the Tailwind Tribes are to my reach and ultimately my traffic. Many of my high performing posts are getting most of their clicks from Pins that are coming from my Tribes. I’m now anxious to see how engagement in Tailwind Tribes is going to change with Pinterest saying that people should primarily pinning their own content.” –Chrissy, Fun Loving Families

Who had this idea for a dashboard?

Me! I’m Kate. Back in 2014 I started Pinterest management company to help business owners leverage Pinterest for growth.

While managing for clients I realized I needed quick and easy access to analytics. This would allow me to create a targeted Pinterest strategy. But I didn’t want to dig for hours and frankly, Google Analytics make me want to poke my eyeballs out. I needed something at my fingertips to give me all the Pinterest data I needed. The dashboard idea was born. After a few iterations we have our best dashboard yet — the Pinterest Insights dashboard built through Google Data Studio.

Now you can have the same access to information that helps us build Pinterest strategies for our clients every day.

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This dashboard is not endorsed by, owned or associated with Pinterest. All recommendations are the opinion of the creator. Results are not guaranteed.