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Pinterest is the fastest growing social media site and is currently the 3rd largest social media site in the world right now. Just four years old it’s driving more traffic than Linkedin, Google+ and YouTube combined. If growing your brand is important, you cannot afford to ignore Pinterest.

If you’re unfamiliar with Pinterest here’s a snapshot. Think of Pinterest as a large magazine with thousands of images. The topics are broad and the tips are specific with 70 million users browsing those images daily. 80% are women spending an average of 90 minutes on the site, most of them on mobile devices. If you have a brand, you want your images to be in front of those people. You want them to pin your image, visit your site and purchase your product or engage as a reader.

Kate Ahl sitting at desk typing on laptop computer.

Pinterest is more effective at driving sales than all other forms of social media. According Internet Retailer, “Pinterest users’ average order value is $123.50, which is about 126% more than Facebook users’ $54.64 average order value.” Pinterest now leads in popularity of eCommerce apps over Twitter and Facebook.

Other facts about Pinterest related to business:

  • The average Pinterest user has a household income over $100,000.
  • The average US Pinterest user follows an average of 9 retailers on Pinterest.
  • 25% of Fortune Global 100 companies are on Pinterest.

Sounds like a pretty awesome gig, right? Let’s work together to figure out a way to get your images in front of as many Pinterest users as possible. Read more about Simple Pin services here.