Laptop with brown lined paper and black pencil on wood table and text overlay "the real Pinterest facts? Q&A Friday".


Every Friday I answer questions about how to best use Pinterest for business. This week’s question comes from Johlene,

I would like to know Pinterest stats. Where Pinterest is in terms of target market share in the social network space? We hear they up there and then recently I heard that Yummly is up there with them. I would like to know the real facts.

Alright, it’s time to dial up the research.

Hard Facts

There are 100 million users on Pinterest! That’s an ever growing number in which 85% are female.

In September 2014, Pinterest delivered 5.52% of total visits sites received. Over the past year, its share of traffic has grown 50.07% (up 1.84 percentage points), giving it a noticeable lead over Twitter, StumbleUpon and Reddit. (source)

Here’s a quick graph to show growth from 2012 – 2014. As you can see Pinterest and Instagram have had the greatest increase since 2012. Snapchat too, but isn’t that just for teenagers? 🙂

Screenshot of social users with chart of "Social Networks Used by US Social Network Users, 2012-2014".social users

As you can see Yummly isn’t even listed in the chart. 2015 stats haven’t been released yet but my guess is Yummly may not even be in the top 10. Currently, Yummly has 15 million users and drives just a little over 1% of social traffic. (source and here) It’s not a major player in the social network market just yet.

Go With the Traffic

If you’re a food blogger and you’re noticing traffic from Yummly, then by all means start posting more of your content over there. Your readers are over there and it’s bring more potential raving fans. However, if you’re seeing consistent traffic from Pinterest, keep focusing there, even if you feel like you’re not seeing huge growth.

Is Yummly a part of your social marketing plan? If not, what social networks are a part of your plan and why?

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