Are you looking to optimize and grow your blog? Make sure your blog is holiday-ready by checking out these top 5 pins all about blogging that are trending.

Laptop with someone typing and text overlay "How to write blog posts that people love" and "Build Your Own Blog".Writing Blogs in 2015 that People Love to Read, Respond & Retweet

 Rolls of US Dollars standing upright on a chess board with someone moving one and text overlay \"How to optimize your blog for the sale\".How To Optimize Your Blog For The Sale

Wood surface and text overlay "How to easily install a site icon in WordPress" and "".How to easily install a site icon (or favicon) in WordPress

Stretch table with computer monitors, coffees, lamps and stationary items with text overlay \"Easy SEO for Mom Bloggers\",Easy SEO for Mom Bloggers

Woman taking a picture using a classic retro style camera - text overlay \"Are your pictures hurting your blog? Tips for image and speed optimization.\"Are your pictures hurting your blog?

Follow Simple Pin Media on Facebook to see what else is trending this week, and in case you missed it, be sure to check out last week’s post where we talked about the best Pinterest Scheduler!


  1. Thabks for sharing my images post. I think that us my favorite post on blog ambitions – only because I think it is SO crucial for every blogger to read.

    The same thing that MAKES blogs, can also be breaking them = pictures!

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