In this podcast episode, Kate talks to Barry Hott, an experienced social media buyer and consultant.

Kate came across Barry in an unusual way – she found a thread on LinkedIn from a product manager at Pinterest, someone had tagged Barry, and he linked a recent YouTube video of his.

Kate watched his video, comparing paid ads across all platforms, with a title “How to Advertise in 2023”. She got a little nosey, and found herself really wanting to hear more about Barry’s story. She shared the video on her Instagram, and then reached out to Barry personally.

And here we are!

man smiling with text "understanding buyer intent in pinterest marketing".

why do people use pinterest?

Barry has worked on campaigns for large brands like AT&T, Toyota, Hubble, Athletic Greens, and more. He has been able to be an early adopter and tester on platforms like Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok, and has worked with millions of dollars of social media advertising dollars.

Although he’s worked with massive brands, he says the thing he has loved the most was the technical knowledge and expertise he’s gained. He loves problem solving and helping brands with ads, creatives, and landing pages.

He says he sees the value of Pinterest, but has struggled to accurately track the data, which makes it hard to advice how much to spend. Navigating the waters of paid advertising on Pinterest can be tough, and he’s worked hard to understand how to best utilize it to drive desired actions. All while balancing the high and low intent use of the platform.

He has found success in focusing on the human aspect of the ads, understanding what people want to see, and surprising them with something different.

person sitting on couch looking at phone.


  • If you had to tell someone totally new to paid advertising what you love about it, what would be that one thing? 
  • How did you get started in paid advertising?
  • Why are you not spending money on paid advertising on Pinterest right now?
  • Why do people use Pinterest?
  • What are you working on that excites you?


  • The difference between advertising on Pinterest and Facebook
  • How to utilize Pinterest ads to reach the right audience
  • Why all advertising data and tracking seems to be inherently wrong
  • How to use advertising to increase human engagement
  • Why “brand awareness” is a tough sell in 2023

If you’d like to learn more about Barry Hott, check out his website or follow him on Twitter.

Additional Resources Covered in Podcast:

Simple Pin Products and Resources:


  1. I listen to all your podcasts and they have really helped me build my Pinterest account. I found this one interesting in particular as I use paid advertising and I do get results. I don’t spend a lot, $7 a day, but I do find that it positively impacts my sales. My conversions are a combination of paid and organic traffic. As y’all mentioned conversion from Pinterest usually takes time usually 30+ days from their first visit to my site ( I find advertising on Pinterest challenging, but I do feel it works (Shopify integration really helps!).
    PS – I also changed my pinning strategy after the podcast before last and I am seeing positive results. After a tough 2022, 2023 is looking up 🙂
    Warm Regards,
    Elizabeth Schowachert

    1. Hi Elizabeth!
      Happy to hear you’ve been enjoying our podcasts and learning from them. Pinterest is a long game, but can certainly bring success!
      Happy Pinning!

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