AI is quickly changing the way we do things. Everywhere you turn it is being infused into every social media platform, and Pinterest is no exception. In today’s episode, we’re talking about how Pinterest uses AI, and how you can leverage it for your Pinterest marketing strategy.

So let’s jump into it!

Cityscape in the background with transparent woman's face in the foreground, numbers and graphs swirling about.


Jeremy King, the Pinterest Chief Technology Officer, was recently interviewed in an episode of the Me, Myself and AI podcast. He discussed how AI is being used within Pinterest, and shared how it is transforming image-based content like that found on Pinterest. There were 5 major takeaways from the podcast that we wanted to share and highlight in today’s episode.

How AI Is Changing Pinterest

AI has played a large role at Pinterest since the beginning.

  • Nearly everything the platform does touches its machine learning system, so it was already integrated into the platform even before it became a buzzword. King said, out of the company’s 1400 engineers, 350 of them are focused on machine learning. All the key indicators on the platform – saves, close-ups, or clicks – use the machine learning system to understand what it is you like, and suggest more content like it. Pinterest uses AI so that when people open up the app, they see exactly what they’re interested in.

Pinterest utilizes smart graph technology to enhance user experience.

  • This means the system involves building large networks of related images. So each pin added to a board essentially becomes a marker on a graph, allowing for increasingly efficient searches on corresponding items. If you save a pin for a vegan recipe on a board, the algorithm knows to show that particular pin to other people who are interested in vegan foods

Engagement is currently top of mind on Pinterest

  • The machine learning system and interconnecting data sets are playing a large role in driving engagement growth. We want to pay close attention to saves and closeups. Those metrics say there is a future in this pin. This means you can’t necessarily take action on the pin right now, so you decide to save it to a board for later. The AI is taking note of all the engagement a pin is getting, and using indicators for future involvement so that the pins can continue to circulate on the platform.

Growth in engagement & interaction can lead to increased sales

  • King says Pinterest is putting great effort into enhancing shoppable features and bringing more interactive user experiences to the platform.
  • “Last year, we built AR Try On, which allows you to try on makeup, and what we’re seeing, again, while it doesn’t get a ton of usage, the people that do use it are 60% more likely to buy something. It’s amazingly engaging when people actually get there.”

Pinterest thrives on users who don’t know what they want.

  • Unlike platforms or retailers where users have a specific product or concept in mind – Pinterest serves those who are looking for ideas and inspiration…which often grow into a desire for a specific product.
  • AI & machine learning play a large role in providing accurate recommendations for the user that doesn’t know exactly what they’re looking for.

Related: How Does ChatGPT Work?

How to Leverage AI For Pinterest

So how can you use artificial intelligence in your Pinterest marketing game? There are a couple of tools you can play around with. Tailwind Ghostwriter and chatGPT can both help in the creation of board descriptions, and pin descriptions. Go check out our ChatGPT Guide in the Simple Pin Shop. This resource is full of invaluable tips and customizable prompts that will transform the way you plan and create content for Pinterest.

The important thing here is not to lose yourself or your brand in the AI discovery. Make sure you are keeping your core identity. Do not let AI change the core of who you are as a company, but use it as a writing tool to up your marketing game.

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    Simple Pin Resources:

    ChatGPT Guide for Pinterest Marketing – Simple Pin Shop

    Pinterest For Dummies (101) – Youtube Video

    Additional Resources:

    Me, Myself and AI – Podcast with Jeremy King

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