This summer we’re airing a story series for those who need a little break from all the Pinterest tips and tactics, and just need to listen to how other’s approach business and grew their platform. These are a series of business owners I’ve handpicked I hope will inspire you (and me!).

Don’t miss an episode of the Summer Story Series! Add a reminder to your calendar and be notified as soon as a new episode is released.

Today we’re diving into the story of Neal Schaffer. He specializes in helping marketers figure out how to spend their time and money, based on their goals and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Neal dabbles in a lot of areas, but focuses heavily on speaking and consulting. He helps companies create (or recreate) their digital social strategy, and essentially comes in as a temporary marketing director or VP of marketing. This means he gets to work with a lot of different types of companies and business owners.

Neal has worked with start-up companies and larger companies who weren’t doing ANYTHING with digital or social marketing. He helps companies figure out where their dollars will be best spent for maximum benefit.

roi in marketing

This will be a great story of how someone worked to figure out how to do this for their own business and others.

Plus, we talk about the big question everyone is asking – “Is Pinterest marketing still worth it?”

Hint, it’s tied to ROI*.

*Return on investment – just in case you headed over to Google really quick

black and white journal with airpods with text "is pinterest still worth it? with neal schaffer".

additional questions i asked

  • How did you get started in business?
  • Did you intend for your business to grow to the size it is today?
  • What has been your greatest joy when it comes to running your own business?
  • What has been the hardest aspect to running your own business?
  • Anything that has surprised you about being an entrepreneur?
  • You have a podcast titled finding the ROI on marketing, tell me more about why you’re passionate about this topic?
  • The changes on Pinterest are causing marketers to wonder if and why they should invest time there or elsewhere, and ultimately the ROI of their investments in social media. If you had to give a new business owner one piece of advice, what would it be?
man in gray blazer smiling.

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Neal shared his favorite business books with us:

If you’re looking for more book recommendations and tools for business, check out the Simple Pin Media Amazon page.

If you want to hear more from Neal or learn about what he does, check out his website or listen to his podcast, Your Digital Marketing Coach.

For further listening/reading:

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