We’re taking a bit of a pause from talking about the technical pieces of Pinterest marketing and deep-diving into the stories of other business owners.

Our hope is that through their story, you’ll be inspired. And hopefully take away a few nuggets of wisdom and be fueled to keep your business growing and moving ahead. (listen to episode 1 here)

Don’t miss an episode of the Summer Story Series! Add a reminder to your calendar and be notified as soon as a new episode is released.

In this episode, I talk with Amber of Biceps After Babies about why she started the business and the super cool “how” she started it. We also talk about how she is balancing business and health.

Amber started Biceps After Babies in 2016 after having her fourth child. She really just wanted to share what she was doing in her fitness journey, with no intention of starting a business. She calls herself an “accidental entrepreneur”.

woman sitting on step and laughing with text "balancing business and health with amber brueseke of biceps after babies".

Instagram is where she decided to start. The business name came from hearing over and over from women that they thought their fitness days were behind them after having children. Amber wanted women to know that it’s never too late to get started, no matter your age or fitness level.

Shortly after starting her Instagram account, people started asking her to coach them. She took on a few clients, which then turned into more and more referrals.

“When something works and something is good, people tell people and you start getting referrals.”

additional questions i asked

  • Did you intend for your business to grow to the size it is today?
  • What has been your greatest joy when it comes to running your own business?
  • What has been the hardest aspect to running your own business?
  • Anything that has surprised you about being an entrepreneur?
  • Besides having the accountability of a business that focuses on health, what keeps you motivated to show up at the gym or make healthy choices with food?
  • If you had to give a new business owner one piece of advice, what would it be?
woman with hands leaning on knees and smiling.

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Amber shared her three favorite business books with us:

If you’re looking for more book recommendations and tools for business, check out the Simple Pin Media Amazon page.

If you want to hear more from Amber, check out her podcast, Biceps After Babies Radio, or follow her on Instagram.

For further listening/reading:

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