Over the last 8 years I’ve had the honor of focusing on only one platform, Pinterest. I know many other business owners that have worked on multiple platforms, or changed their focus based on what’s working. Or just based on what they enjoy.

Our business focuses solely on Pinterest, and yes, I do still love it!

I joke that Instagram is like the corner bar – everyone knows your name, they stop and hang out awhile to visit. Pinterest is like the library. You go in looking for something specific, or grab what catches your eye. It’s quiet, you don’t often run into other people, you find what you want or something similar.

I’m like that Pinterest keeps moving and shaking, so we’re constantly having to evolve and get better at our marketing. I know some would like it to stay the same for a while (it can be so frustrating!), but social media just doesn’t stay stagnant. We’ve got to be smart with our marketing game.

Which means we will continue to help lead and guide you in the Pinterest marketing space

Pinterest Manager and Account Specialist

Over the years, our amazing account specialists have worked with hundreds of clients. This has brought mountains of data, experience, and observations around what works and doesn’t work.

As Pinterest continues to change, update, and (hopefully) keep up to date, our team realized that a more curated client experience was needed. We want to make sure we’re setting our clients up in the best way possible before starting to pin. 

Before, we would lean right into qualifying a client and taking them on for Pinterest account management. This wasn’t bad, but the more we dug in, the more we realized we could develop a “level-set”.

What this means is that all clients go through the optimization and evaluation BEFORE setting up a successful Pinterest management system. Something we know we can build upon, without having to go backward. 

You Don’t Need a Pinterest manager! You need a guide.

So we’re overhauling our Pinterest management packages! We want to make sure all clients go through this initial evaluation and audit process with us in order to ensure success. This way we’re not spending the first 4-6 weeks getting their account “set”, and THEN starting to pin. This helps set expectations for us and for the client.

There’s so much that goes into getting a Pinterest account optimized and ready, before we can really dive in with a marketing strategy. This looks different for every type of business and every niche.

stack of two journals with iphone and airpods on top.

What does pinterest marketing success look like?

On to today’s topic – the 6 key elements you need to develop a successful Pinterest marketing plan. These are all included in our new client package, the Simple Pin Accelerator!

  1. Full account evaluation, audit, and analytics tracking, to see what needs to be built, changed, or optimized
  2. Full Pinterest account clean (if you’ve been on Pinterest for awhile) or build (if you’re new to the platform). These are done by our Pinterest experts, who have hours of experience working with multiple different types of businesses.
  3. Awesome pin designs that make your images pop! In our package, our design team will create custom designs for you, including Idea Pins and a new profile image header.
  4. A great strategy, designed for your business and products or content. With us, you’ll have 3 strategy calls with your dedicated account specialist. This will help keep you updated through the process and ask questions. You’ll also have full email support if needed.
  5. Consistency and implementation! A strategy only works if it’s actually being used on a consistent basis. With our package, we’ll do this side-by-side with you so you’re able to see what we’re doing and why we’re pinning what we’re pinning. The secret sauce! We will pin for you during the final 2 weeks of your package, so we can give you a full picture of what’s happening. Not as your Pinterest manager, but as your guide.
  6. A plan for what’s next! Do you have a long-term goal for your Pinterest marketing? In our package, we want to set you up for success with your final call. Ready for Pinterest ads? Maybe! Monthly management? Possibly! We want to listen to you and find the best Pinterest marketing path now that your account is fully set up for success.

Looking for more info?

We are so excited to have this curated service, to help every client, in every business. All based on observations and experience from our account specialists, who have been in the trenches with hundreds of clients and KNOW what works. We don’t want to be your Pinterest manager, we want to be your guide – to provide dedicated support and access to our team of experts.

I’d love to hear your feedback on these six steps! What else would you add? Is there anything you’d remove? Leave a comment on this blog post or DM us on Instagram.

For further listening/reading:

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