Winter Pinterest trends is the topic of today’s discussion – using trends data to choose the right winter keywords. Let’s dig in!

When it comes to Pinterest marketing, one of the most important things you can do is to use the right Pinterest keywords. Keywords are like everything else on Pinterest – some are evergreen and some are seasonal. In today’s episode, I’m going to share what keywords you should be using this winter based on the current winter Pinterest trends data.

We will cover the topics of Pinterest images, Pinterest analytics, Pinterest keywords, and more to help you kick 2021 off to a rocking start. At the time this podcast episode goes live, we’ll be halfway through the Challenge, but it’s not too late to join us. We’re also giving away some really cool stuff!

We launched a Pinterest Keyword Guide late last year to help you with keywords all year. If you don’t have yours yet, be sure to go grab it now.

desk with laptop - text "what keywords should I be using this winter on Pinterest?".

Why Do We Need Keywords on Pinterest?

Before we discuss which keywords you should be using on Pinterest this winter, we have to start at the beginning with the question, why do we even need Pinterest keywords?

In 2014, Pinterest switched from a chronological feed (where you saw everything the people you follow posted in chronological order) to what’s called a smart feed. And while it had everyone up in arms for a while, it was the right decision.

Pinterest was trying to deliver the content that the pinner desired. It resulted in a home feed that was smart — one that took into consideration what the pinner was searching for, the pins they had saved to their boards, the Pinterest boards they had created, and their projected interests based on that information.

Over the past six years, Pinterest has continued to update the smart feed algorithm to include story pins, video pins, and interests. They know your pinning habits and serve up your content accordingly.

Seasonal Trends on Pinterest

I’ve spoken before about seasonality on Pinterest. As a Pinterest marketer, it is something you must understand. Pinners use Pinterest in distinct ways based on the season. season. If you want your seasonal content to be shown to them, you have to use the right keywords.

The Pinterest user searches for terms like fall, spring, winter, and summer when they perform keyword searches on the platform, especially when it comes to the following niches:

  • fashion
  • crafts
  • decorating
  • recipes

If you have older pins that you could add some seasonal keywords to, I suggest uploading them to Pinterest and changing the pin description to include some of the winter keywords outlined below. This is a great way to take older pins, add a seasonal spin, and see if it brings you additional traffic.

Sometimes adding seasonal keywords can give you an advantage. This is by no means a way to trick the algorithm and results aren’t guaranteed. But there’s no harm in adding some seasonal keywords where it makes sense and tracking them to see if they increase your traffic or email sign-ups.

Winter Pinterest Trends: What Keywords to Use This Winter

The keywords I am going to share reflect current winter Pinterest trends and come from the Pinterest Predictions Report and our own Keyword Planner Guide.

I am not going to share every single keyword you might want to use this winter. I do want to highlight a few that you might not be thinking about. Be sure to check out the Pinterest Predictions Report because they highlight new keywords to focus on in 2021.

In the US, we have some major holidays in the winter that we definitely want to target with keywords. If you live outside the US, you can get the trends report for your country by going to and changing the country.

As this episode airs, we are already past New Year’s Day, but there are more winter holidays to pin for! Coming up, we have Valentine’s Day, Groundhog Day, Chinese New Year, Super Bowl Sunday, Mardi Gras, Purim, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter.

DIY and Crafts

If you’re in the DIY or craft space, explore topics such as a house cleaning schedule or Super Bowl party decor. Another great seasonal project would be making Valentine’s Day cards.

I don’t know what things are like where you live, but my children won’t be going back to school in-person until the fall of 2021, so we are still 100% in at-home mode. That situation begs for crafting and DIY content.

Consider using the keyword at home on your pins to grab the attention of those parents, and honestly, just regular people, who are still stuck at home (another great keyword right now) and looking for projects to complete.

Education and Books

A fantastic keyword to use in this space is 2021 planner. Yes, it’s another weird year, at least so far. But folks are ready to get back to normal as much as possible and will still be looking for the perfect planner all the way through March.

February is Black History Month. Consider using keywords like Black History Month literature journal, or Martin Luther King, Jr. activities. 

There are millions of kids being homeschooled now that weren’t before. So if you have any type of content that could be used as a resource for typical school events, such as 100th day of school, put that content out there with titles like, “How to Celebrate the 100th Day of School at Home.”

Entertaining and Events

Again, the term at home will be an important keyword to add to your pin descriptions — for example, “At-Home Date Nights,” “At-Home Super Bowl Parties,” and “At-Home Valentine’s Dinner.”

People are having others over for socially-distanced, outdoor gatherings. Appropriate keywords to capture this phenomenon include cold weather winter entertaining. back porch ideas, or outdoor fire pits and heaters.

Family, Kids, and Parenting

Parents will need assistance as they help their kids make Valentine cards at home. They might also need assistance as they help their children to navigate a virtual Valentine’s party with their classmates.

Even after coming off a year like 2021, people are optimistic. Pinners will want to do things like creating bucket lists, plan date nights, and use winter-themed printables.


If you’re in the fashion space, you definitely want to download and print out the Pinterest Predictions Report. It will be extremely helpful for you to identify Pinterest winter trends for fashion.

I do know that not everybody in fashion is forward-thinking, so if that’s you, you are going to have to get creative. Nobody is buying ball gowns for winter formals this year. People are at home, so closet cleanouts are high on the list for fashion projects.

Think about how you can create content for people at home using winter outfit trends. Maybe you can create a challenge to get your avatar into real clothes and out of yoga pants and hoodies every day.

Related: How to Use Pinterest as a Fashion Blogger

Nails, Skincare, and Beauty

Winter can wreak havoc on our skin depending on where we live. So, if your avatar depends on you for skincare regimens, go all in and create an at-home spa experience for brightening their winter skin. If you’re into beauty, think about how Pinterest is moving toward more diversity. Create content for different skin tones and ethnicities.

Nails have always been huge on Pinterest. Now, even if salons are open, many people are choosing not to go. If you’re in this space, create content showing your audience how to get a salon type nail at home.

If you happen to be in the direct marketing business for either skincare or nails and you use Pinterest to sell your product, get creative in how you market your content. Consider tutorials or lifestyle shots using your products.

Consider creating 15-second video pins showing how to use the products or before and afters.

Finance and Frugal Living

This is a hugely popular Pinterest winter trend that will be going strong well into the first three months of the year. Budget printables are huge. If you have budgeting or financial spreadsheets, winter is the perfect time to get those out.

Think about your avatar: are they trying to stick to a budget but they also need to lose the Covid 15? Then create a menu plan for them that works for tight budgets.

Zero in on winter keywords like zero-based budgets, the snowball method for paying off debt for the Dave Ramsey fans…anything your audience can print out that will make their life easier.

Related: Pinterest Marketing for Personal Finance Bloggers

Ways to Use Keywords for Winter Pinterest Trends

So far, I have been talking mostly about using keywords in your pin descriptions, but I do want to mention other ways to use the keywords that both Pinterest and we here at Simple Pin recommend you focus on this winter.

If you a blogger or content creator, or if you sell products on Pinterest and you have a content creation side to your business, the Simple Pin Keyword Planner and the Pinterest Predictions Report are literal gold mines for content ideas.

I am not saying you need to create a three thousand word blog post for every keyword mentioned in these resources. A curated round-up post or a short DIY post is a great way to use some of the seasonal keywords without spending hours creating content.

Using Your Avatar to Choose the Right Winter Keywords

Think of the person who will be seeing your content, the person you are ultimately serving. If you are new to content creation, your goal is to get your avatar (your perfect person on Pinterest) to your website or shop. If you’re not sure who your avatar is yet, think about who you hope to serve in the future.

Always consider the demographics of your avatar; who they are, what stage of life they’re in, what they are interested in, where they live, etc. For example, if you mostly serve people who live in Texas, their state is very open right now. The opposite is true in Oregon, where I live, which is currently shut down.

It’s important to use your avatar to help you hone in on the most salient winter Pinterest trends and choose the keywords that are right for your business. You can’t use them all, so don’t even try. Pick the ones that will work best for you and your audience.

Related: Using Analytics as a Content Creation Tool

Winter Pinterest Trends: Action Steps

I mentioned tons of keywords that you should be using this winter that simply wouldn’t fit in this post, so be sure to listen in to some ideas for:

  • travel
  • food and drink
  • physical fitness/exercise
  • health and wellness

Next, print out the keyword resources I have linked to in this post and grab a highlighter. Then go through the lists and highlight any winter keyword that you think you could use to create content that your avatar would be interested in.

On the last page of our keyword planner, you will find a list of non-seasonal trends for 2021 for specific niches. Print out your own Pinterest Keyword Planning Guide and highlight the ones that would fit any of your content and that you could use in your pin descriptions, board names, and board descriptions.

And as I said before, if you are blogging, use this as your content planning tool.

That’s all for this week. I’m headed back over to jump back in with my Challenge peeps. If you don’t have your Keyword Planning Guide get it now. And join us back here next week for more tips on how to level up your Pinterest marketing in 2021!

For Further Reading/Listening:

One Comment

  1. Interesting insight into how to use Pinterest during the cooler months of the year. While one shouldn’t outright lift the strategies that other companies use, they can be used as inspiration to build better marketing approaches.

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