This podcast is for Pinterest marketing newbies, but there are some lessons for those of you seasoned Pinterest veterans. If you’ve ever wondered how to learn or where to go to learn Pinterest marketing, we’ve got the steps you need.

Get started on Pinterest marketing today with these easy tips! For those who have been on Pinterest for awhile, consider this a level set.

Pinterest is a great platform for marketing because it’s like Google, where people go to search for answers to their most pressing questions.

But Pinterest marketing is different from Instagram marketing, where people want to hang out and talk to everyone. For Pinterest, content is king. People are looking for answers, not to learn about you.

In this episode, you will learn the following about Pinterest marketing:

  • How to get started
  • The benefits
  • Best practices

Incorporating Pinterest into your marketing flow will look different than other platforms. Your time investment per week (once you get things set up), should be around 2 hours per week. It’s not a “set it and forget it” platform, but it doesn’t require as much daily presence as a platform like Instagram.

Let’s talk about how to figure out if Pinterest is right for you.

microphone sitting on desk with text "building your pinterest marketing foundation".


If this first question is unclear, sit down and really think about why you want to use it. If you don’t have a clear idea, you won’t have a clear idea about how to market on the platform.

Will you be using it to grow your email list? Sell more of your digital or physical products? Find new followers, customers, or clients? Brand awareness?

You might say something like:

“I want to use Pinterest to educate people about my products and help solve a problem they’re having. Once they know the solution I can provide or want to learn more, they will sign up for my email list and buy my products.”

Incorporating this into your flow of current marketing is a different animal. As mentioned above, you can’t approach Pinterest like other platforms.

how do we use pinterest at simple pin?

At Simple Pin, we start with our base of content. Content is king on Pinterest! If you have blog posts, podcasts, or short form video, Pinterest is the ideal place for it.

We create this podcast, write a blog post about it (or create shorter show notes), and then create Pin images for that blog post. This is something we create on a weekly basis, so it’s well incorporated into our marketing flow. We’re using something that already exists and are creating anyway, and squeezing as much juice out of it as we can.

Maybe you create specialty cocktail recipes, or teach business owners how to write amazing emails, or talk about the benefits of yoga. Take what you’re already doing, and tailor your promotional efforts towards Pinterest just a bit.

Do NOT just repurpose your Instagram photos or Reels. This is not a great strategy, and will most likely fall flat for you.

Again, plan for about 2 hours a week to invest in Pinterest. Maybe a little more in the beginning to give space for learning, but really plan to just add it in.

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Just like James Clear says in the book, Atomic Habits, we recommend “attaching” Pinterest to something you’re already doing. Don’t reinvent the wheel, at least not in the beginning. If you’re already creating an image for Instagram and maybe a Reel, add a Pin image or two to your workflow.

If you’re already using a scheduling tool like Planoly or Tailwind, just add your Pin image scheduling into those platforms.

woman in floral shirt with hands in pockets.

Learning About Pinterest Marketing

How much time do you have to consume the content of a course or implement what you’re learning? This is an important question to answer before you hit the buy button on ANYTHING. Do you have time to invest in learning and what will be the end result of what you learn?

If you’re struggling to understand the Pinterest platform overall, you may really need a beginner course that covers all the first steps. Check out our Pinterest Marketing Blueprint mini-course if you need help with images, keywords, and strategy.

If you’ve been on the platform for awhile, you might need something more specific – like learning about Pinterest ads or how to use Pinterest as a TpT seller.

If you’re totally new to Pinterest marketing, we have a free 5-day email training that would be an awesome start for you.

Let’s recap!

  1. Know your why behind using the platform.
  2. Set aside time for both learning and platform investigation.
  3. Think about the goal you have in mind. For example: “I want to grow by X number of followers with a goal of moving people to my email list”.
  4. Plan for a 6-9 month time investment here. Pinterest is a marathon, not a sprint. This will give you enough time to learn about the ideal user you’re trying to attract on the platform.
  5. Evaluate monthly. Look at your stats and learn what you can from the numbers. Pins that were clicked on, saves that happened, engagements and where they’re coming from.
  6. And then? Keep learning, keep teaching yourself. Pinterest does change, and it’s important to keep up with what’s new. HINT: Keep listening to our podcast and sign up for our weekly Pinterest education newsletter.

Pinterest still delivers on getting people to your website, as well as building brand awareness. There are other platforms that serve different purposes, but Pinterest still does this really well.

We’d love to hear from you! Are these steps you’ve taken or are you in need of a level set? Would you add anything to the steps above? Leave a comment on this blog post or DM us on Instagram.

We would also love your feedback on the Simple Pin Shop! If there are things you would love for us to create, please let us know. We want this to be for you. We want these products to allow you to get your business growing on Pinterest in the most efficient and practical way.

For further reading/listening:

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