Do you blog in a small niche? Do you wonder if Pinterest can really help drive traffic to your blog simply because your niche is small? If so, then you’ll definitely want to listen to today’s episode. My guest is Crystal, one of my readers and listeners, who emailed me recently about small niche marketing on Pinterest. I know you will get a lot of value from today’s show, so let’s jump right in.

Calendar, spiral notebook, pen, phone, earbuds, coffee and text overlay "How to grow your Pinterest Audience in a Small niche".

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Small Niche Marketing on Pinterest

Crystal’s blog idea began when parents of her preschool students would ask her for book recommendations for different situations they found their families going through. She really enjoyed solving that problem for those parents, and she also enjoyed the research she sometimes had to do to find the answer. And so her website, It’s Fundamental  was born in 2012.

How a Viral Pin Got Her Attention

Crystal already had a personal Pinterest account, but she began a business account for her new site in 2015. For the first year or so, she only used it to pin her new blog posts and that was it. That all changed when she had one of those pins go viral in 2016.

She saw a sudden increase in affiliate income and site traffic, and freely admits to being so disconnected from Pinterest that it took her a month to even realize what was happening. But when she did realize it, she immediately thought, “What would it be like if more of my pins could do that?”

So in December of 2016 (that’s right, just 4 months ago!), she began to get serious about her Pinterest strategy. She began using Tailwind, and made Pinterest the main focus of her social media marketing strategy.

Don’t Despise Small Beginnings

As the owner of a Pinterest management company, I see so many people frustrated when they don’t see their follower numbers grow by the tens of thousands overnight like some people say they can expect. Crystal’s story was so refreshing to me, simply because she is seeing slow but steady growth, and she does not despise the small numbers.

Crystal began with a following of around 236 when she decided to focus on Pinterest, and at the time of this recording is up to almost 380. Her page views were at 600 per month in December of 2016, and now in April of 2017, are at just under 2,000 per month.

When Crystal started her Pinterest focus, she had friends who blog in the food and lifestyle niches tell her that focusing on Pinterest and using a scheduler had gained them 2,000 new followers in their first week. And yet she doesn’t have 2,000 followers at this time!

Her biggest take-away from that?

“The comparison game doesn’t help anybody.” ~Crystal

Benefits of a Small Niche

Blogging in a smaller niche means that Crystal doesn’t have the amount of competition that a food blogger or craft blogger would have. If people search for pins related to children’s books, her page is more likely to come up since there aren’t a lot of sites blogging about children’s books in the specific way that she does.

As an example, I went to Pinterest and in the search bar I typed “books about George Washington”. Crystal’s pin about that is in the top row of search returns.

She has also noticed that she gets traffic from her pins more quickly than what seems to be the norm of a few weeks to a few months. From pinning to increased traffic is about a 2 week turnaround for Crystal.

Maximizing The Search Feature

One thing that Crystal has done to maximize search is to have the word “books” in every board title. So instead of a board simply titled “Animals”, she has a board titled “Books about Animals.” Using the word “books” over and over throughout her account makes it clear to Pinterest what her page is about, and makes it more likely that her pins will be shown to anyone searching for certain books.

Another thing she did is add the word “book” to her profile. Instead of just using “It’s Fundamental”, she uses “It’s Fundamental – Children’s Books.” She uses the word “books” everywhere, to the point that she says it might be annoying. But there is no mistaking what her page or her site are about because she continues to tell you with every page and pin.

Calendar, spiral notebook, pen, phone, earbuds, coffee.

Affiliate Income

Crystal mentioned earlier that one reason she figured out that something was happening with her site is because she saw a huge, sudden increase in her affiliate income.

Affiliate income is Crystal’s  largest source of income from her site. She says that a piece of advice she got early on has made all the difference in how she approaches her affiliate marketing. That advice was, “Set out to solve a problem for your readers.”

If someone is looking for a specific book, and they click on one of her pins and come to her site and see exactly what they need, there is a strong likelihood that they will then click on her affiliate link to purchase that book. So even as a blogger in a small niche, she is making between $200-400 per month in affiliate marketing because she is solving a specific problem.

If you are interested in learning more about using Amazon affiliate sales to boost your blog income, be sure to listen to episode 7 of the Simple Pin Podcast where Cassie Johnston shared all her best tips for using Amazon to grow your blog income.

Maintaining Your Focus

Crystal feels pretty strongly that focusing on books is what she needs to be doing. While there is a market for all things children, she isn’t gifted at crafts or cooking; she does know books, so that’s what she is sticking with.

Maintaining her focus on her specific niche helps her to not compare her blog to other bloggers who may be bigger or have more followers. People come to her to solve a specific problem, and because of that her numbers are only going to continue to grow.
Crystal continues to be asked by people in real life about children’s books, so she knows that her market is there. It’s just a matter of staying focused on that market and answering their questions. The questions that she gets asked in real life are the questions she tries to answer with her lists and her blog posts.

Growing an Email List (even if you don’t want to)

When Crystal first started her website, she didn’t even have an email list and wasn’t interested in starting one. She isn’t an avid email reader herself, so she had no interest in sending out emails of her own.

But a blogging friend told her that not everybody feels that way and she needed to at least explore the option of creating one. So she did her research using some of the information on how to build your email list that we offer here at Simple Pin, and she decided to go for it. She offered an email sign-up on her blog, and was shocked when people actually started signing up!

She currently has less than 100 people on her list, but her open rate is over 50%. That rate is unheard of in blogging. 25% of those who open are also clicking on links. Again, a huge number.

So while Crystal’s list might be small, her readers are faithful, and she is seeing benefits from it.

No matter the size of your list, talk to the people who are there, instead of always wanting more ~Kate

Crystal’s Tips for Pinterest Beginners

If you find yourself where Crystal was back in December of 2016, with a blog and a Pinterest account but not knowing how to make the two play nicely together, here are some of her tips for getting started.

  • Have realistic expectations. Don’t look for a certain number; look for growth. So much of what you, as a blogger, do is completely out of your control. Algorithms and other factors come into play as far as numbers go. Don’t get hung up on meeting certain number goals by a certain time.
  • Be consistent. It’s too easy to give up when you don’t see immediate results, but with Pinterest, you are in a long game. You need to give it at least six months. Crystal is currently in a season of slow content creation (38 weeks pregnant), but she is still scheduling pins for every day so that her Pinterest account has consistency to it.

Are you feeling discouraged by slow growth on Pinterest or on your blog? I hope that today’s episode has provided some much needed encouragement for you to keep plugging along, keep writing, keep creating, keep pinning.

Connect with Crystal-

It’s Fundamental website
It’s Fundamental on Pinterest
It’s Fundamental on Instagram

FYI — I have a private Facebook group where I love to chat all about Pinterest. Join me.

Time Stamp-

3:25 –  How A Viral Pin Got Her Attention
4:30 –  Don’t Despise Small Beginnings
7:25 – Benefits of A Small Niche
10:00 – Maximizing The Search Feature on Pinterest
11:30 – Affiliate Income
15:15 – Maintaining Your Focus
18:25 – Growing An Email List (even if you don’t want to)
23:30 – Crystal’s Tips for Pinterest Beginners


  1. This was really helpful and encouraging. I started blogging in Nov 2016 and feel like I’m making small but steady growth. It can be discouraging to hear about all these big numbers so hearing Crystal’s story made me feel much better! Thanks for posting 🙂

  2. Well done Kate..
    Love this post. 🙂

    Great niche marketing ideas on pinterest. There are many interesting things I have learned here, some need to be focus more on it. Pinterest is the best social media sites to share your knowledge through effective and well design images. Reading about how the one pin goes viral, was amazing moment and it inspire me to stay focus on pinterest.

    I also, love sharing things on Pinterest. But reading and looking informative and visual images is very interesting moment and it is easy to learn from them. Each tips is build to motivate people and connect with pinterest. Seems like Crystal have huge experience working on it and she knows to work pinterest in such way so that traffic and affiliate marketing will be increases.

    Thanks for sharing.
    – Ravi.

  3. I loved this podcast, it’s quite encouraging. My niche is travelling to Portugal. I’m taking Pinterest seriously since April 15, I’m getting something like 2 visits/ day from Pinterest, max. I got 10 🙂 Let’s see where this will go.

    1. You’re welcome! It always encourages me to hear stories of small growth as opposed to giant overnight successes.

  4. Hi kate!!!
    “Slow and Steady Wins the race ” is what flashing on my mind after reading crystal’s story.Thanks for the article….

  5. I just came across this podcast. I was worried about starting in a small niche, but Crystal has inspired a to move forward and not be afraid. I love the “slow and steady” comment from above. Thanks for all the inspiration, everyone!

  6. Thank you for sharing, Kate, this is so encouraging! I joined Pinterest in January this year and got to 85k/m viewers – I wasn’t even counting my followers before – but have recently seen a decline to 82k/m. My heart sunk, but I’m a little bit more hopeful now. I’m in a smallish niche and have quite a successful blog with a few thousand email subscribers (started in 2015), but Pinterest seems a very complex traffic source, which I’m slowly learning about thanks to your podcasts. Here is to hoping!

    1. You’re going to rock it. Don’t pay too much attention to that number. People can do great things with those numbers being low.

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