This year already seems to be flying by! It’s already time to dig into March Pinterest trends!

The Ultimate Pinterest Planner

If you’re looking for the best Pinterest marketing planning tool, pick up the Simple Pin Media Pinterest planner. Each month we dive deep into trending topics with helpful checklists and support for tracking your stats. Pick up your FREE Simple Pin Pinterest planner here

Related: How do Scheduling Tools Affect Traffic?

One thing that the Planner will help you better understand is your traffic and the seasonality of Pinterest. For example, March and April are slower months on Pinterest, with fewer repins or saves happening. Using the planner to track your analytics will prevent you from freaking out whenever you see fewer saves. 

Collage with woman spraying potted plant; person folding clothes; Easter themed cookies; and text overlay "What You Need to be Pinning in March".

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March Pinterest Trends

What to Pin in March

March, March, March. Think Easter, gardening, travel, outdoor fun. A lot of schools will have spring break. Spring fashion is starting to trend a little bit more. Think about going deeper on each of these topics. When I say go deeper, here’s what I mean:

Say you want to create a new board on Pinterest for some Easter ideas you have. Get very descriptive in your board names. Don’t just call it “the Easter board.” If you do fashion, have a board for Easter Dresses. Add those keywords in your pin description as well. Be specific about what you’re going to talk about.

You can also use hashtags. I recommend using 4 to 5 on a post and one of those should always be a branded hashtag. Use the name of your site or the name of your product.

Another great way to get your finger on the pulse of what’s trending on Pinterest during a specific timepoint is to explore keywords using the Pinterest Trends Tool.


What to Promote in March

Promoted pins are a fantastic way to get an extra boost to your content. I have run ads for specific products that I sell, but I prefer for my opt-in to be an email sign-up. I love communicating with my audience and giving them a place to get to know more about me. It takes people a little while to warm up to a product that you might be selling and email marketing gives you the opportunity to form a relationship.

Pinterest has said that they are the starting point for people when it comes to discovering things, they aren’t necessarily the endpoint. People go to Pinterest for a specific product or idea, but they’ll save a lot of pins before actually purchasing or acting on those ideas. That’s the habit of a pinner. Ideal promoted pin campaigns to execute in March include those related to: St. Patrick’s Day, spring break, fashion, spring cocktails, and spring cleaning.

Let’s take spring fashion for example. If you have a great spring fashion post, do the following:

  • monetize it by using several affiliate links
  • give your audience the option of signing up for your weekly email
  • provide a way for them to engage with your Facebook group (or another platform that you use)

Now that you’ve completely optimized this post, you might be ready to put some money behind it. Maybe your goal is affiliate marketing. If that’s the case, I strongly suggest that you go back and listen to the episode about Pinterest KPIs, and check out the download available in that post. That download will help you calculate how much a post is making for you. Knowing how much you’ll make helps you decide how much you spend.

Related:  How to Use Pinterest as a Fashion Blogger

Content Planning Ideas

What’s coming up in the future? Pinterest has said to start pinning 45 days before the actual event. You want to be pinning, scheduling, content planning and creating images about 4-6 months in advance.

Graduation is coming up at the end of May. Weddings are huge in the spring and summer. Start strategizing and planning now, so that once April rolls around, you’re ready to roll those pins out. You can also be sharing other people’s content.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day will be here before you know it. Everyone is always searching for good gift ideas. Those gift guides are great all year long. With graduation, Mother’s and Father’s day, and Easter, you can use those gift guides to help bring traffic to your site and give you potential affiliate income or sales of your product.

Photo collage of content ideas to pin on Pinterest in March with text overlay "March Pinterest Trends".

Tip of the Month

One of my tips is: try to pin more content than you save. 80% of what you see on Pinterest is saves (repins), so original content will really stand out.

When you pin something to Pinterest from any particular website, it creates a new pin, whereas when you pin something from a save, it’s just continually generated inside of Pinterest. With Tailwind, when you pin something using their scheduler, it acts as a brand new pin. It doesn’t give you a save on the original pin.

It’s helpful to pin from the original website onto Pinterest, especially if it is new content to you. Look outside of the platform for your content. But don’t sweat this too much. The ultimate goal is to curate your profile to be an excellent resource for whomever your ideal customer is.

Monthly Action Tip

Revisit your board descriptions. Do you have relevant keywords? Whenever you create a new board, after you give it a title, you want to create a board description. We haven’t seen board descriptions play too much into the search factor but it is a great place to supplement with keywords. There’s no trick here. The whole goal is just to inform people what the board is about.

Related: How to Clean Up Pinterest Boards

A Quick Recap

First, go check out the Ultimate Pinterest Planner. Download it and print it off. Check out what to pin in March, look at your statistics page and write down some numbers. That will help you establish a starting point.

With the March Pinterest trends in mind, look at what you can pin from your own content in March and what you can pin of other people’s content.

If you haven’t tried Tailwind, go get a free month with them and see if it works for you. 

There is no trick to Pinterest. You just need to be active, share high-quality images, use keywords, and know and understand who your end user is. Do those things and you’ll be a successful Pinterest user.

Time Stamp:

 1:40 – The Ultimate Pinterest Planner
 6:52 – What to Pin in March
 9:17 – What to Promote
14:58 – Content Planning Ideas
17:10 – Tip of the Month
20:00 – Monthly Action Tip
21:14 – A Quick Recap


  1. One thing I’ve learned about Pinterest is that it’s not only a guaranteed business builder for businesses of all sizes and people who use it as an affiliate marketing or blogging side hustle, but it’s also friendly on anything a person pins. The times a person pins to their Pinterest boards also plays a role in ROI and response times. I’m going to have to look into that and think about Pinterest content scheduling options.

    I’m also learning that Pinterest is a must for business with or without owning a blog or website. It’s a search engine that anyone can potentially make money from 24 hours a day.

  2. Thanks for the great points. I’m still trying to get used to hashtags and really making the most out of Pinterest. It’s definitely an amazing social media tool!

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