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Just getting started on using Pinterest to boost your business? Let’s create a plan of action.

Resources & Community

You need a place to learn and a place to ask questions. Join my Facebook group if you haven’t done so already. We’re only talking Pinterest and all newbie questions are welcome.

In order to market well on Pinterest you’ll need a few basic elements in place:

Business Account — super easy to convert any personal account to business. Then you’ll get access to analytics to find out if your efforts are working.

Rich Pins — This helps your pins look legitimate and pulls the correct data from your site. Here’s a complete guide to add them to all blogging platforms.

Quality Pinterest Images — the basic size is 600×900 or 600×1260. Clear photos, bright colors and simple text overlay win every time. Use tools like Canva, PicMonkey, and Photoshop to create images with text overlay.

Keywords — If you don’t have keywords in your pin descriptions, then your pins can’t be found by those searching on Pinterest. Keywords help searchers find your content. Here’s our complete guide to keywording on Pinterest.

Scheduling Tools

To ensure you’re not a slave to Pinterest, it’s helpful to have a scheduling tool. We prefer Tailwind and even have a course to walk you through developing a strategy. Don’t know much about scheduling? Let’s start here with why you should schedule pins.

Blog Tools for Pinterest Marketing

In order to get the most out of your Pinterest marketing, you need to have a few blog tools in place so you’re audience can share your great work.

Social Sharing Plug-In — Make it easy for readers to market FOR you by installing a social sharing plug in on your site. I’m currently using one called Scriptless Social Sharing to get the job done.

Tasty Pins — for hiding Pinterest images but adding the extra Pinterest text box.

Boost Pinterest followers numbers with the MiloTree pop-up. Learn more about why I love this Pinterest pop up and how much my follower numbers have grown since using it.

Alright, it’s time to get started!