As some of you know, fostering holds a special place in my heart as I have been a foster parent. You can listen to my story here.

Because of that deep experience and love, the Simple Pin team has also felt drawn to care for these children through their support of my family, the community and stepping into volunteer positions, like foster parenting and CASA.

This year, out of our abundance, we would love to give back to Together We Rise, an organization supporting foster kids and their families. Our campaign is set up to generate funds for Birthday Boxes. Birthdays are always a special day & deserve to be treated as such. Help children celebrate their day with a heartfelt gift.

cartoon woman pointing at thermometer graph with text overlay "together, let's make a difference".

In a time when this special day can be forgotten, we want to help foster families celebrate their foster child’s day by giving them a birthday to remember, where they felt loved and celebrated. Birthday boxes not only helps the child feel special but it also relieves the burden of foster families to provide when they are already stretched thin.

I believe so strongly in giving back out of the abundance we receive. This year, Simple Pin will match every dollar you donate up to $5000 with the hope of raising a total of $10,000! What an amazing force of good we can be in these children’s lives.

Here’s how to donate:

As a reminder, Simple Pin Media will match your donations up to $5000 for this campaign.

The campaign will run now through December 26, 2018.

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