Giving To Foster Care

In 2015 I became a foster parent to a small baby girl, just 4 months old. Dirty, underfed and cute as could be, she landed in my lap and snuggled her way into our family’s heart. Less than two years later she went home to be with her bio family and the second part of our journey began.

Woman wearing t-shirt that says "foster love".

Fostering holds a special place in my heart as a result of my experience. The trauma, pain, and suffering caused by the displacement impacts the child and caretakers tremendously and is often deeply painful. It’s hard to talk about these stories but these children live this pain while in the system. This YouTube video, “Removed” tells an accurate story from the child’s perspective. It’s important to watch so we can further understand how our small gift can help them.

In addition, you can listen to my full foster story here.

woman cartoon pointing to thermometer scale and text overlay "together, let's make a difference".

Together We Rise

To support children, we have partnered with Together We Rise, an organization that is committed to changing foster care.

Together We Rise is a 501(c)3 organization supporting foster kids and their families. It’s made up of motivated individuals and former foster youth. Their vision is to improve the lives of youth in foster care, who often find themselves forgotten and neglected by the public. They collaborate with individuals, companies, and community partners to bring resources to foster youth and use service-learning activities to educate volunteers on issues surrounding the foster care system. 

There are currently over 400,00 children in foster care across the US and 25% become homeless after exiting the foster care system. The staggering number is that over 1,200 children enter foster care each day! 

Together We Rise has goal of transforming the way children experience the foster care system. One way is to replace trash bags with sweetcases. When a child is removed from a home they are given two trash bags and just minutes to move. They want to replace these trash bags with sweetcases to bring dignity to a situation that’s heartbreaking. 

teddy bear holding a sign that says "Believe in yourself".

They also provide the following — bikes, birthday boxes, skateboards, Disney trips, backpacks, superhero boxes, stem boxes, shopping sprees, and scholarships. 

Last year, Simple Pin Media partnered with Together We Rise to give birthday boxes to foster children. We raised almost $7000! 

This year, we’re upping our game!

We would love to raise $10,000 for Together We Rise

Giving in November

During the month of November, their big goal is to raise $50,000 across the US in support of foster care by December 3rd <— Giving Tuesday!

Do you want to be a part of this movement? 

The goal is to have Simple Pin Media and our community to raise $10,000 of that $50,000. 

Can we do this? Will you be a hero to these kids with me?

Here’s how to donate:

  • Visit the Simple Pin Media Giving page.
  • Click DONATE, and choose your donation amount. Any amount is amazing! $5, $10, whatever works best for your budget.
  • If you can’t donate this year, please take the step to share this blog post or the donation page with friends and family. 

All deductions are 100% tax-deductible.

Advertisement for Together We Rise nonprofit organization.

The campaign will run now through December 3, 2019. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Together we can make a change. 

What an amazing force of good we can be in these children’s lives.

Please donate here.

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