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Today’s episode is all about giving thanks. This time of year can be super stressful and crazy. It’s Q4 in our businesses, and we’re all trying to hit those final goals. Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up. We often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

Some of us are gritting our teeth while we fake a smile, but we’re missing the true joy. I want to talk about some things that I am thankful for and hopefully inspire you to be thankful as well.

gratitude journal, pen, fern leaf and text overlay "giving thanks: pinterest edition".

A few years ago, I read “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. It can be a little hard to read if you’re not into creative writing, but the premise of the book is so good. The book prompts you to remember the things that you are thankful for on a daily basis. Not just the big things that are right in front of you, but also for the simple, subtle elements of your daily life.

This practice has transformed how I get through the tough times in my life. It helps me return to a joyful mindset a lot quicker than I would before.

Giving Thanks For Business

First, I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to attend the “In The Making” Pinterest conference this year. I got to see the people behind the business and realize that they are hard-working people who want to get this business stuff right. They really want to help. At the same time, they are making the best decisions for the users of their platform.

During that visit, I also got to see friends I hadn’t seen in a while and form new friendships. Win Win!


Next up, my listeners, readers, and Facebook group participants. Your words are so encouraging, kind and honest. When I shared our foster story, the response was so incredible that I spent two days in tears from reading your stories.

You challenge me in ways that I haven’t been challenged before and inspire me to do better and be better. I love the feedback I receive from all of you.

My Team

I now have almost 40 team members that are made up of an executive team, leadership team, and account specialists. They are loving, hilarious, kind, and loyal to Simple Pin. They care for this business as if it was their own and they bring me joy every single day.

It has been rough at times. I’ve had to say I’m sorry a few times. But my team gives me the grace to get back up and start again.

They are solid gold and I could not run this business without them.


I have taken almost 13 trips this year. Sometimes it gets tiring but all of this traveling is truly a gift! I get to see other parts of the world, meet my community face-to-face, I get to fly on planes, and speak at conferences!

Thank you to all the conference owners for putting your trust in me to guide your audience.

Masterminds and Coaching

The next thing I am thankful for is my mastermind group and coaching experiences. Over the last two years, I have met with a personal mastermind every Wednesday. We’ve shared joy, tears, losses, and gains. Through all of that, we have spoken truth and challenged each other to continue to grow. The wisdom that these women bring to my life is priceless.

I do best with one-on-one coaching, so I hired someone in July to give me tasks, call me out, and encourage me to do the stuff that I’m uncomfortable doing. It is so good for my motivation and forward-movement.

I’m also thankful for the Kolbe test, which helped me understand myself more and also understand how I work well with others.

Giving Thanks for Life Stuff (Outside of SPM)


Community (again)

I’m an extrovert… I need people to talk to face-to-face. Getting together for drinks, a good meal, or prayer helps to remind me that this world is not wrapped up in Pinterest or my computer and that there are greater needs that deserve my attention. My community includes my friends, my church family, and my kids’ school friends.

My Parents

They help so much when I travel and keep the kids entertained. They modeled the life of an entrepreneur well. Their home gives me a peaceful break when I need to get out of town. They really have no idea what I do but they think I’m amazing. 🙂

My Kids

Man, my kids and our sweet baby girl keep me on my toes. With the switch to middle school, I’m reminded that my time is so short with them and each and every hour is important.

We still have a relationship with our foster daughter and at times that feels really taxing, especially with so much traveling. There is a lot of pressure and grief that comes along with the situation, but it’s all worth it for the impact we are making long-term.

My Husband

My husband, Dave — My “silent partner.” He is my sounding board and truth teller when I’m wrestling with insecurities. He reminds me to lean on the Lord and that I am who my Creator says I am. He pushes me to believe with confidence and trust in the path He’s laid out for me.

He keeps me laughing with his jokes about petty cash. It’s been almost 17 years of marriage and I couldn’t have picked a better partner to do life with.

gratitude journal, pen, fern leaf.

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Giving Thanks for The Small Things

I’m thankful for Lisa, my personal trainer. I hired her two years ago to meet my need for a one-on-one  fitness coach. I meet her at the gym twice a week. She is constantly challenging and pushing me, which helps to dissipate the angst that builds up from work.

I found the best travel backpack this year, FINALLY! And guess what? It’s a diaper bag. Not kidding. I have a Cath Kidston backpack that I love but it doesn’t have a water bottle holder. This grey diaper bag (which has TWO water bottle holders) that I found on Amazon is a life saver.

I am a stander, so my standing desk is another favorite. I cannot sit still, even when trying to watch movies. I just like to be up and moving. I stand when recording my podcast episodes and videos because it gives me more energy. This standing desk is not automatic, but not heavy or loud.

My housecleaner is the best investment I’ve ever made. She even moves the furniture and cleans out my fridge. Best money I have ever spent.

The last “little thing” on my list is the Adore Your Wardrobe course created by my friend, Kelly. Kelly was on the podcast back in February, talking about Pinterest KPI’s. This course helped me understand what body type I have and how to dress my body type. I love every wardrobe purchase I’ve made based on this guide. I’m no longer trying to dress for the body I wish I had, but the body I already have. And it feels great!


There are a hundred more little gifts I could give thanks for. I challenge you this season to take a moment to stop and give thanks. Stop and thank someone for being a gift in your life. Your words matter to them.

My word of the year has been “encourage” and I took it another step. This year in my business I decided to turn any negativity I received into something positive. If I received a negative comment, I would immediately go and encourage two other people.

Our world needs more encouragers. Let’s all be encouraging and give thanks for the great gifts in our lives.

What are some things that encourage you? What good gifts do you love? I’d love to hear from you. Thanks for letting me take a little detour from Pinterest to talk about something so important to me.

Podcast Episodes and Resources Mentioned-


Time Stamp:
2:10 – Giving Thanks
6:35 – Thanks for Business
9:12 – Community
10:56 – My Team
12:14 – Travel
14:18 – Masterminds and Coaching
17:58 – Thanks for Life Stuff (Outside of SPM)
18:05 – Community (Again)
18:42 – My Parents
19:16 – My Kids
21:06 – My Husband
23:02 – The Small Things
30:28 – Be An Encourager

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