finding success on pinterest

Today we’re diving into the story of Suzy Karadsheh, founder of The Mediterranean Dish. She started blogging and sharing recipes in 2014, in part to pass on recipes from her childhood to her daughters. Since then, it has grown into a multi-million-dollar business offering a food line, cookbook, and online classes.

We often think success happens overnight, without knowing any of the back story of a business. Since starting in 2014, Suzy has worked hard to develop her community, invest in her company, and eventually reach millions of people.

This conversation is inspiring, honest, and such a wonderful collision of Suzy’s culture, her family, and her passion.

I’m so delighted to share her story with you. 

zoomed in picture of casserole dish with text "a food blogger's pinterest success story".

Suzy grew up in Port Said, Egypt, a city right on the Mediterranean. Everyone did everything around food.

She told a wonderful story about her dad shopping in the market, and seeking out those that needed his purchase the most. If he bought the last of what they had to offer, even if he didn’t need it, they could go home and rest.

For him, it was more about community and building relationships.

After moving to a new city and having a baby, Suzy struggled finding her place after working for years in fundraising and marketing. Her passion for her Mediterranean heritage eventually led her to create a recipe box, that unexpectedly evolved into a successful business – all while maintaining her connection with her community.

With her husband by her side, Suzy connected the dots between her Mediterranean upbringing and the success of her business. She incorporated the flavors and community spirit from her childhood into her business, and has been able to share it with others.

Despite the grind of the online world, she has remained connected to her purpose.

two women smiling side by side.


  • Did you have a moment where the switch flipped, where you realized your passion project could become a business?
  • How has your community guided what you create – both content and products?
  • What has been the hardest aspect to running your own business? An area where you’ve really struggled?
  • What would you tell someone who has a food story and vision to share, but feels like the market is saturated?

Suzy also shared the story of how her olive oil and spice line came to be. Her readers and followers were really struggling to find quality ingredients or a particular spice that she recommended, so she set about creating a one-stop shop to make it as easy as possible.

RELATED: Why You Need to Be Selling Your Products on Pinterest (podcast/blog post)

how to make money on pinterest

We also talked about how she decides to divide her time, with all the work that comes with being a business owner. Suzy shares how outsourcing Pinterest marketing to Simple Pin Media has freed up her time to focus on the areas that are best suited for her.

“One person alone CAN do it all, but they won’t do it well.”

To learn and hear more from Suzy and The Mediterranean Dish, check out her website here. She’s on most social channels @themediterraneandish.

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