Do you struggle with trying to figure figure out how to work at home with kids? Be sure to listen in on today’s podcast!

Today we’re going to be talking all about pinning with kids and how to balance working from home with family life. But first, I want to talk about my Wednesday Pinterest email. The email includes tips, trending topics, podcast links, and valuable resources. I also talk about what’s going on in my personal life. Sign up for the email and you’ll get a free planner as well!

Many of you are mamas with little kids at home, whether year-round or just during the summer. When you’re working on building a business and you have kids around or underfoot, it can be really difficult to be productive.

So how do you manage pinning/business with your kids around? Well, I’ve brought in my friend, Angela Davis, to share what she has managed it in her business and how her strategies have evolved over the years as her business and her family has grown. Angela has five kids, ages  5, 8, 10, 12 and 14, and I have three kids (ages 8, 11, and 12).

mom and child on couch with laptop with text overlay "WAHM Tips: How to Pin With Kids".

Q&A on How to Work at Home with Kids

If you have kids who are 5 and under, this is a hard stage. Amy, one of my seasoned team members who just had a baby, asked us how we manage to get our pinning in while having little ones who are not in school.

“Moms with younger kids (not in school), how/when do you work on your accounts? We just switched to one (short!) nap and we’re struggling to find a new, good rhythm for pinning. I essentially just lost 8 hours of work time! Anyone have ideas I might not be thinking of?”

Working During Nap Time

Members of my team chimed in with some really helpful tips:

“Girl I feel ya! Now that my baby’s 6 months old and not napping around the clock I’m struggling to find a new groove too! I usually work in the evenings and I make Ells do quiet time while Bre and Isaac are napping. The older kids know that’s my work time so Ells isn’t allowed to talk to me while the others are napping.” – Kimberly

“I work a little bit during nap time, and I also do small tasks like answering emails throughout the day when the kids are playing independently and getting along (which usually lasts for about 5 minutes, so just enough time to answer one email!). – Kalen

Working in the Evenings

“I do the majority of my pinning in the evenings – usually 2-3 evenings a week. On those nights, my husband is in charge of all kid-related tasks. Usually from the time my husband gets home around 5 until 9 or 10 p.m. I take a break for dinner, but the rest of the evening I’m in my office, without distractions. I usually do this about two nights each week. I work so much more efficiently when I’m totally focused without distractions!” – Kalen

“I pin at night after the kids are in bed (7:30-ish). That happens about 3 or 4 times a week.” – Anne

“I homeschool so my kids are here almost 24/7 and no naps. I usually pin in the evenings when my husband is guiding us through all of our ‘shows’.” – Rosanna

“I suggest carving out 2-3 (or whatever you can do) hours at night to work when your husband is home and can be with the baby. I also try not to work sporadically throughout the day because then I just feel too scattered. I make the schedule and stick to it, just as if you were going somewhere outside the home to work. – Erin

Working Away from Home

“Now that I have several accounts, I’ve also started to schedule time to work at a local coffee shop…twice a month or so. My husband is fully supportive of this. I think that’s key. He sees my paycheck and realizes that my time away is far more productive than attempting to work from home.” – Anne

Erin adds: Also, TV is a lifesaver! And I don’t feel bad because I’m working and they love it.”

Amen to that! I don’t let my kids be glued to their screens all day. But there are certain time periods when it’s okay and necessary in order to get the work done.

Hiring Household Help

Dave and I are both home full-time. He is a pastor and has to prepare for his sermons during the week, so he works 4 hours a day. When he’s not working, I go out to my she shed in the backyard and get my work done.

Angela has a bit of a homeschool/private school hybrid. Her kids go to school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and then they are home the rest of the week. They have homework packets to do when they’re at home. For the last four years, she’s had a nanny/mother’s helper/babysitter (whatever you want to call it). She comes two or three days a week for four hours with her own children. She watches the kids, does the laundry, checks homework, and help Angela with random projects.

How did Angela come to the decision to spend money on outside help? When she realized she could be making more money by not working under the constraints of nap times or when her husband was home, it made it easy for her to hire someone. They also wanted to be able to spend their evenings together as a family. Outsourcing was the key to that. You can’t do everything, and sometimes, hiring a nanny or someone to clean your house is beneficial for everyone involved.

Systems for Successful Mornings

Angela has a system for mobilizing her kids in the morning, even if they complain. Everyone has to contribute to their house functioning. She converted her system into an online product called “Child, It’s Time to Get Off Your Butt” . It includes an e-book, downloadable charts and worksheets, and a step-by-step video tutorial. This product helps you give your kids tasks to do in the morning, assign their morning chores, and get a breakfast plan in order. The whole system can be downloaded right now for only $7!

mom and daughter on couch with mobile device.

Be sure to comment below and tell us how you make it work with kids at home. We love to hear your ideas and solutions. Also, check out my Work at Home Gift Guide for the WAHM in your life.

Time Stamp:
3:30 – Roosevelts and Yard Work
6:44 – Q&A on Working with Kids at Home
24:10 – Hiring Household Help
38:05 – Systems for Successful Mornings
43:46 – Angela’s Exciting Project


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