Pinterest hosted a recorded call on March 10th to announce some new features coming to Pinterest. Think of it a bit like a “summit”. This is the second time they’ve done this and it’s called Pinterest Presents. Check out the 2022 updates and highlights below!

person with arms crossed sitting at laptop - text "what's new on pinterest from pinterest presents 2022".

pinterest presents 2022 updates

Here’s a quick breakdown:

There was a lot of conversation around how Pinterest is different from other social media brands. They’re wanting to be (and proving to be) a place to escape negativity. They want to challenge the status quo of “social media” by being a place that’s all about YOU, instead of comparison to others.

They’ve rolled out compassionate search for those seeking mental health support, didn’t monetize ads around Covid-related products or information, and shared the quote “old ways open new doors”.

There was also a lot of conversation around content creators and their partnership with Pinterest. It sounds like it will be easier than ever for brands and creators to connect with partnership opportunities. Be sure to check out their Idea Ads with paid partnerships for more information!

What else is Pinterest focusing on?

They’ve been telling us for awhile that they’re heavily investing in shopping on Pinterest and new e-commerce features.

black microphone sitting on white table.

Pinterest says that shopping on the platform is all about YOUR taste and values, not based on what others are doing or what’s super trendy.

They say Pinterest users are often searching for brands that align with their values, so they’re rolling out a feature called “merchant details” which allows merchants to share their values at the top of their profile.

A few other features they’re rolling out:

  • Your Shop – This will be a unique experience tailored to you, catered to you and what you search for
  • Checkout on Pinterest (beta) – Users will be able to purchase without ever leaving the app
  • API for Shopping – This sounds similar to the Verified Merchant Program, but we don’t know much else yet

They also mentioned that the Pinterest Trends tool has expanded to include search filters!

Keep in mind that many of these features are either brand new, in beta, or haven’t been rolled out to everyone yet.

We’d love to hear from you! Have you watched the Pinterest Presents recording? If you haven’t, you can watch here. They have it really well segmented out by time stamp and category.

Do you have any of the new features they’re talking about? Let us know in the comments or send us a DM on Instagram!

For Further Listening/Reading:

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