Earlier this month, I went to Pinterest for the In the Making Pinterest conference. Pinterest set aside this time with content creators to listen, learn and provide a platform to create a great working relationship. The podcast recaps what I learned, as well as five things Pinterest wants you to know.

woman planning content in journal and text overlay "Five Things Pinterest Wants Creators to Know".

If you’re a content creator, Pinterest has a page devoted to helping content creators. Make sure you bookmark it and check back for updates.

5 Key Takeaways from the In The Making Pinterest Conference

  1. Serve the pinner and get them to follow you. On Pinterest, your followers don’t represent the extent of people who see your Pins—they’re only the start. The more people engage with your Pins, the more that content gets amplified and shows up across Pinterest for millions of other Pinners to discover.
  2. Save Pins often – at least daily, and don’t get stuck on a number.
  3. Think like a pinner – who is the pinner you’re serving and what are they searching for?
  4. Name your boards wisely — keywords!
  5. Ask your audience to follow you on Pinterest and make sure you have a SAVE button! Whatever plugin you use, just make it easy for them to pin.

As I said in the podcast, my biggest takeaway was that Pinterest wants to work with creators. It made me excited about the platform and how it serves pinners. Never before have I been more excited to market on Pinterest and help businesses grow.

three circles representing people with the facebook "F" on the middle front "person" and text saying "Join Now!".

Want to join in on the Pinterest conversation? Make sure you join the Simple Pin Pinterest Facebook group.

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