Do men use Pinterest? It’s the question I’ve been asked every year since I started Pinterest marketing. But this year, 2022, it’s about to get real. Pinterest is putting real effort behind getting more men to use the platform.

Recent Pinterest research has shown that men have big plans for the year… and they’re willing to spend more to bring those plans to life.

In fact, 75% of men in the study are planning to spend more to bring their goals to fruition, and they’ve stated that they’re more excited about their plans for 2022 (compared to previous years).

man in white top with glasses on laptop - text "how to market to men on pinterest".

Men have set a variety of goals for the new year – for instance:

  • Finding more activities to do with family (60%)
  • Seeing more movies in theaters (55%)
  • Eating out more often (55%)
  • Hosting more parties at their house (50%)
  • Making large purchases – like buying a new car (30%)

how to market to men on pinterest

It’s important to reach men early – during their planning phase. The study showed that men convert quicker in their purchases, so make sure you’re sharing content that helps them make a quick, confident decision.

Men are also premium shoppers, meaning they’re willing to spend a bit more to get what they want faster or to buy a brand they recognize. They also appreciate platforms like Pinterest that help them cut through the internet clutter.

80% of men on Pinterest agree that shopping on the platform leads them to something unexpected that surprises and delights them.

person in white top with hands on laptop keys.

Use these tips to reach more men on Pinterest:

  • Surround important moments for greater impact
  • Highlight new products
  • Incorporate emerging and timely trends

For more tips and a deeper dive on how to reach men on the platform, make sure to give the podcast episode a listen!

We would love to hear from you. Are men a part of your target audience? If not, do you plan to use some of these tips to engage with them even more? Let us know by sending us a DM on Instagram. We always love to hear from you!

Resources and Further Listening/Reading

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