Our very first podcast of 2024, and Simple Pin Media’s 10th anniversary! We’ve been managing accounts for 10 years now, and we believe this will be one of our best years yet. Our goal this year is to get even better at breaking everything down so you fully understand how to put what we say into action.

So we are kicking the new year off by breaking down Pinterest Marketing Predicts 2024. This report best way to get ahead in your Pinterest marketing for 2024. Let’s take a peek at what’s going to be trending this year.

A pair of black headphones sitting on top of two notebooks.

What is Pinterest Predicts?

Paying attention to trends is the number one way to reach your audience in the right place and at the right time on Pinterest. Learn when your audience is seeking inspiration and help them decide what to try, buy, and shop next. Pinterest recently released its report for 2024 so content creators can start brainstorming and planning out their calendar for the year.

Why should we pay attention to this report? Because Pinterest has a lot of data. They see all the searches that have happened, so they can take a step back, look at the data, and determine what trends are taking off. You really do want to use this report as a way to guide and direct what you are going to create.

Related: How To Create Content From Pinterest’s Trends Tool, Why a Content Calendar is Key for Pinterest Planning

2024 Pinterest Predicts Trends

Before getting into the steps of how you can use this, here are a few of the top trends that they’re predicting:

  • Blue Beauty (aquamarine makeup is back and bolder than ever)
  • Give A Scrap (one person’s trash is another person’s treat)
  • Make It Big (beauty and baubles will get bigger, bolder, and puffier in 2024)
  • Kitschens (this year, Gen X and Boomers will quirk up their cooking areas with thrifted finds, vintage appliances, and eye-jarring pops of paint)

Go check it out for yourself. Each category is labeled with a fun name, but all have specific keywords and percentages they’re predicting for the year ahead. When you click on a keyword, it’ll take you to a full page with trends in that category. Pay close attention to keywords and percentage of growth. Kate recommends checking out topics that closely match your niche to use as a springboard and drive creativity for new content.

Related: Creating Inspiring Content on Pinterest

Using trends to create content series

One way to really capitalize on some of these trends is by creating more than one piece of content for each trend. Find topics that you can create two and three-part series on.

If you have a skincare line or are an affiliate for one, you could easily create three to five blog posts about morning skincare routines or skincare routines for keeping your face looking and feeling fresh. Create a whole-body skincare routine series. You don’t want to just create one thing, you want to squeeze all you can out of a topic. Say someone visits your site because of an evening skincare routine pin, but within that blog post you lead them to another one on your morning skincare routine, and there you have listed out the products you use/sell. Well, now you have multiple entry points to your website instead of just one.

So when you’re looking at Pinterest Predicts, make note of how you can create a series around one keyword. Then, when you pin that to Pinterest, make sure you use those keywords wherever Pinterest will let you. That will give you maximum opportunity to get in front of the searcher on Pinterest.

Use Pinterest Predicts all year long

Whatever you do, however you use Pinterest Predicts, keep visiting it all year long. The information remains helpful, especially when you’re dry on content ideas.

You can visit this all year long, especially when you are dry. On content. That’s what we ended 2023 with. We talked a lot about how to use the trends tool to create content. We talked about how you can create a content calendar. It’s really important. And I’ve wrestled with this over the years. I probably have said this in a podcast before.

Remember, you need content for Pinterest. Kate wrestled for years with the idea that maybe you don’t need content for Pinterest, but the data says otherwise. You absolutely need content for Pinterest because the user is searching and dreaming and trying to figure out what to do. They’re ready to read more or learn more. And the place that they do that is on your website. Kate encourages you to look at Pinterest Predicts as this treasure trove of places you can pull from for ideas.

We would love to know how you view this report. How do you plan to use Pinterest Predicts 2024 in your content marketing? If you are new to Pinterest and this has inspired you to get started on Pinterest, check out this free four-part video series to help you learn the basics of Pinterest.

Pinterest Marketing Predicts 2024

Simple Pin Chronicle

Watch: How to Create Content Based on Trends

Watch: Content That Inspires Your Audience on Pinterest

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