Pinterest has included a number of terms for its metrics over the years. And they are known to change them up from time to time. To make things easier to understand, we thought it made sense to create an updated Pinterest Analytics Guide.

Let’s take this opportunity to review all the current Pinterest metrics and review what the terms mean so that you can dive into your Pinterest Analytics with confidence.

Keep in mind that you gain access to Pinterest analytics when you open or convert your Pinterest account to a business account. So if you have a personal account right now you won’t see these terms used in your account.

laptop computer on desk displaying Pinterest analytics data - text "The Ultimate Pinterest Analytics Guide".

Pinterest Analytics Guide: Pinterest Metrics Defined

Click on your Pinterest profile and the first metric you will see is your follower number listed under the profile description in your profile.

screenshot of Pinterest business account profile details.

If you click on that follower number, you will be presented with an exact number of pinners who have followed your account. 

screenshot of follower count on Pinterest profile.

Followers – the number of pinners following your profile.

To find the rest of the metrics, head to your Analytics overview section in your Pinterest account.

screenshot of Pinterest analytics dropdown menu with Conversion Insights highlighted.

The first four Pinterest analytics metrics you will see up at the top are:

Impressions – The number of times your pins or ads were on screen (regardless of whether or not the user saw them).

Engagements – The total number of saves, pin clicks, outbound clicks, and carousel card swipes on your pin.

Total Audience – The total number of people who have seen or engaged with your pins.

Total Engaged Audience – The number of people who have engaged with your pins.

screenshot of Pinterest analytics key metrics.

Below that, within the drop-down menus for the “Performance Over Time” chart, “Top Boards” and “Top Pins” you will also see:

Pin clicks – The total number of clicks on your pin or ad to content on or off of Pinterest.

Outbound Click – The number of times people perform actions that lead them to a destination off Pinterest.

Outbound Click Rate – The total number of clicks to the destination URL associated with your pin divided by the total number of times your pins were on screen.

Video Views – The number of views for at least two seconds with 50% of video in view.

Average Play Time – The average time someone spent playing your video

Saves – The number of times people saved your video pin to a Pinterest board.

Pin Click Rate – The total number of clicks on your pin or ad to content on or off Pinterest divided by the total number of times your pins or ads were on screen.

Played at 95% – The number of times your video was viewed to 95% of its length.

Total Play Time – The total play time for your video in minutes.

10-Second Views – The number of times your video was viewed for at least 10 seconds or more of the length of the video.

Engagement Rate – The total engagements with your pins divided by the total number of times your pins were seen (including saves, pin clicks, and outbound clicks).

Save Rate – The total saves of your pins divided by the total number of times your pins were on screen.

Monthly Total Audience – The total number of people who have seen or engaged with your Pins in a 30 day window up to and including each day.

Monthly Total Engaged Audience – The total number of people who have engaged with your pins in a 30-day window up to and including each day.

Monthly Views – The number of times your published pins and pins saved from your claimed domain or accounts were on screen in the last 30 days.

screenshot of Pinterest analytics impressions over time.
screenshot of Pinterest analytics impressions metric for Pinterest boards.
screenshot of Pinterest analytics impressions metric.

Pinterest Analytics Guide: Filter Terms

You can apply filters to get even more insight about your pin performance.

You can find all of these along the left side panel. 

Date Range –  View custom data ranges from January 1, 2019 to present time as well as real-time estimates from the last 48 hours. 

screenshot of Pinterest analytics date range filter.

Content Types:

  • Organic – Pins created or saved by you on your profile. Pins created or saved by others that drive people to your claimed website or account.
  • Paid and Earned – Pins promoted by you, including earned activity. This means pins saved from an ad campaign you ran in the past may continue to earn impressions and engagements as people save your pins to their boards on Pinterest.

Note: real-time analytics are not available when you use the content-type filter.

screenshot of Pinterest analytics content type and claimed account type filters.

Claimed Account(s) – What people on Pinterest are saving from your claimed website(s) or accounts.

Device – What device people are using to view your pins.

Source – Pins created and saved by you and activity for pins created and saved by others from your claimed accounts.

screenshot of Pinterest analytics pin source and device filter options.

Format – View data for different types of pins.

Data – Include stats for pins you’ve saved that are not linked to any of your claimed domains.

screenshot of Pinterest analytics pin format filter options.

There you have it! An updated review of your Pinterest Analytics dashboard!

laptop computer on desk displaying Pinterest analytics data.

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