Laptop, pad of paper and pencil on table and text overlay "hiring a pinterest manager Q&A Friday".

Hiring a Pinterest Manager

If I had a dime for every time I get this question, I would be rich! How much do I pay someone to run my Pinterest account?

While pay is really important, who is even more important.

How much you pay someone to manage your Pinterest page depends on your budget. I’m a big believer in budgeting and making sure that you as a business owner are getting paid before you start hiring out. Here are a few things to consider before determining pay.

Write down what Pinterest tasks you need help with. This will help you figure out the time factor. How much time do you think this manager will spend on your account? Think beyond just pinning. When I pin for an account I’m checking both Pinterest and Google analytics. Then I’m looking at our other programs to find patterns and looking back on what did well last week. It’s not as easy as hitting ‘pin it’.

Do you also want help with images? What about helping you determine what content needs to be updated for Pinterest? Spend a considerable amount of time thinking about those tasks and assign an appropriate amount of time to them.

If you’re going with an agency like Simple Pin you won’t have to list the tasks you want help with since we already do those things as a part of our packages. In that case, move onto the next step.

Determine your budget.  You want your business to make money so you’ll need to figure out what portion of your income you would like to use for Pinterest. If you’re seeing an increase in Pinterest traffic and you know that having someone help you could result in more traffic and therefore, more money, then think about how much revenue comes from that traffic. For some website owners, they look at ad income. What amount of ad income are you willing to spend on hiring help?

You get what you pay for so price shouldn’t be your only indicator. This leads us into the next step…

Ask key questions. Don’t just hire your sister’s friend who has no idea how Pinterest works for business just because she’s cheap. Hire someone who has experience and set up a time to ask interview questions. And please don’t do it all over email. Skype chats, where you get to interact, go a very long way in building trust. Ask them these questions:

  • How long have they worked with Pinterest?
  • Who have they worked with and can they provide a reference?
  • Do they keep up to date on Pinterest trends and programs?
  • What scheduling programs are they familiar with?

Leave no question behind!

Finding Pinterest Help

Virtual assistants specializing in Pinterest can be found by searching on Facebook for virtual assistant groups. I recommend asking a few trusted colleagues first before doing a cold search. I would not suggest hiring overseas if you want to pin content pertaining to a North American audience. I’ve trained two overseas VA’s and the roadblock with both was understanding North American culture. Yes, I know it’s cheap, but the headache was not worth it.

Once you find a few candidates, arrange a Skype chat to talk face-to-face. You’ll get a better indication of their personality and if you think the two of you will be a good match.

As business owners, we want to bootstrap most elements to save money and to retain control. If you are ready to hire a Pinterest manager I hope you can use this guide above to help you find great help, at a cost you can afford, so you can focus back on creating products and content that further your business and your income.

Last tip, if you want to train your VA in how to do Pinterest marketing, I suggest you pick up the Simple Pin Mastercourse. This is how I help train my team. Bring them up to speed on all things Pinterest and know and understand analytics.

What are your tips for hiring a Pinterest manager/VA? Join the fun below.

FYI — I have a private Facebook group where I love to chat all about Pinterest. Join me.


  1. Hi! Are you for hire…to help me set up my business pinterest account? I would love to learn how to do it,,and I like pinning, but need an expert! I have a business with Essential oils, and would love to take it to the next level with pinterest! Thanks! I have no idea what this might cost, or the time involved, but would love to talk!

  2. I have had my jewelry on Pinterest before but the site is so big and the marketing can be complex. I would love to have someone help me with that, put I’m sure that would be expensive. I am already job searching to earn money myself.

  3. Something is wrong with my Pinterest account… for more than five or six weeks now, no new followers are able to follow my Pinterest account. I have a very visually beautiful site and I used to get 600-900 people following me every month. I keep thinking I have pressed some wrong button to make this happen. No new people pop up in my followers section.

    One person accessed my Facebook account and requested a friendship. When I friended him, he sent me a message saying, “thank you so much for accepting me. I want to pin all your pins and the only way I have been able to do this is to pull them out of your Pinterest one by one and put them in my photos and then download them on my Pinterest.”

    I request to hire you or one of your helpers to fix my site with out damaging it. I have worked so hard to make it as it is and I don’t want to mess around and end up deleting it or some of it. Please tell me how I can work with you to help me solve what I have done wrong, what button I have mistakenly pressed to cause this action on my Pinterest site.

    Thank you
    Don Brady

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