IMPORTANT UPDATE: Pinterest has discontinued the Creator Rewards program as of November 30, 2022. They will be focusing on other areas of monetization possibilities for creators moving forward, including adding the ability to link Idea Pins!

In this podcast, we talk about what is going on with the current Pinterest Creator Rewards program. We’ve had a lot of questions from our community, and heard some frustrations as it rolls out. Are people making money? Is it worth your time? 

Our guest today is Christine Wheeler, the owner of Pinnovation Media (a Pinterest marketing agency) and the travel blog, Live Love Run Travel. She monetizes both sites with ads and the Creator Rewards program.

She has been working with the Pinterest Creator Rewards program since it launched in 2020, and has extensive experience with monetizing content on the platform.

In this episode, you will learn the following about the Creator Reward program:

  • It is a way for creators to monetize their Idea Pins
  • It’s been subject to some changes over the last year, including decreased payouts
  • It can still be profitable for creators, especially if they focus on the most achievable challenges
image of hands counting money with text "can you make money on pinterest".

can you make money on pinterest?

Creator Rewards is a way for Pinterest to monetize their Idea Pins and earn money from the views they get from them. When Idea Pins first launched, there was a big pushback because there wasn’t an incentive to post. You couldn’t add links or tags, it was all about the views. This is Pinterest’s way of encouraging creators who don’t work as often with affiliate programs.

As a travel blogger, Christine was excited to join the Creator Rewards program on Pinterest when it first launched. The program promised to pay creators for their Idea Pins, which are basically pins with extra information like videos or articles. She was excited to get started, but quickly realized that the payments were not as high as she had hoped. Additionally, she’s heard from other creators that the program has had issues with payouts in the past.

Overall, she thinks the program is a good way to make some extra money, but it’s not as profitable as she had hoped.

image of hands counting money.

Christine also shares some tips on how to take advantage of the Creator Rewards program. She advises to create Idea Pins as close to the beginning of the month as possible, and to keep them short and sweet to keep the attention span of the user.

I hope this podcast will inspire people to try out Creator Rewards or at least check it out to see if it’s a good fit.

To learn more about Christine and her business, check out her website or follow her on Instagram.

For further reading/listening:

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