Looking for a Pinterest ads update for 2022? We’re talking about everything we’re seeing this year, the state of Pinterest ads, what works and doesn’t work on the platform, and what we see coming in 2023.

In this episode, I’m chatting with the Simple Pin Pinterest Ads Director Erin. She manages full-funnel advertising on Pinterest for clients and runs the Simple Pin Ad Society, a monthly Pinterest ads membership. Erin and her team teach people to run and manage their Pinterest ads, and give them all the tools they need to succeed. She also manages the Simple Pin design team, who create beautiful, clickable Pinterest ads and pin images for clients.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

  1. The current state of Pinterest ads in 2022
  2. The best types of ads to use on Pinterest right now
  3. How Pinterest ads can be used to level up your marketing

If you want more information on Erin’s team and our Pinterest ads management service, click here to learn more.

polka dot journal with binder clips with text "what's new with pinterest ads?".

pinterest ads update 2022

During the early stages of the pandemic, people had a huge interest in Pinterest, as users and as business owners. People were using Pinterest a lot. Everyone was home, there was lots of online shopping happening.

Now that people are coming off the high of Pinterest and Pinterest ads, Erin says they’re helping folks learn how to maintain, get everything in place, and find a strategy that works for them. She’s also seeing people take their ads budget from Facebook, Google, and Instagram, and move it to Pinterest.

If you’re wondering if your audience is on Pinterest, we’ve seen the following statistics stay pretty constant:

  • 80% of Pinterest users are women
  • 30% have an income over $100,000 a year
  • 97% of searches are unbranded
  • 80% are mothers in the United States

Looking at these demographics, you can get an idea if your product or business will work on Pinterest. Erin has yet to find a niche that doesn’t work well. Some have smaller audiences, but that doesn’t mean the platform won’t work for them.

Pinterest has been moving towards making things easier to shop in the past year. With catalogs, shopping Pins, product tagging on Idea Pin, there are lots of new ways to shop on the platform and it will continue to become more robust.

“It’s important to research and identify everything you can prior to spending ads, to see if your people are on Pinterest and whether they’re spending money or not”

what types of pinterest ads work best?

No matter what type of business you are, what type of campaign you’re running, Erin says they’re still seeing that static (old school) ads are converting better.

Video ads work well at the top of the funnel, with brand awareness. These are people who aren’t taking a particular action, you just want them to get to know you. Video is being watched, but people aren’t used to clicking, so they aren’t taking action as often. Video is also good for retargeting. If your potential customer has already seen or heard of your product, a retargeting video will give them a reminder, and they’ll be more ready to click.

Consideration ads work better for the middle of the funnel. As in, “consider” us as the company you go with for service or “consider” our product to help solve your problem. These work on a cost-per-click (CTC) basis, where people are only paying for clicks or or when people are taking some sort of action. Static and carousel ads tend to work best here.

Erin says that different ads work well for different reasons.

white and black polka dot notebook with binder clips on top.

why people give up on pinterest ads

The hardest part of Erin’s job is trying to explain to people who are ready to invest, that return on investment won’t happen right away. People want to start at the bottom of the funnel and want customers to buy right away.

In order to find the people who are going to take action, you have to meet them a lot sooner on Pinterest. Even if you have a good-sized email list or a solid funnel on your website, you have to nurture the funnel on Pinterest. You have to target the top and middle, in order to get the bottom (conversions or sales).

We have to reach Pinners when they’re looking for inspiration, open to decision-making, or ready to take action.

Erin thinks that people need more of a story or introduction into a brand in order for them to be interested in an ad. The days of the static ad are gone because of video and multi-frame advertising.

The biggest mistake Erin sees people make is not giving it enough time. If they don’t see the return soon enough, they tend to think Pinterest doesn’t work for their business or product. It takes about 4-6 months of investing in Pinterest, to KNOW whether Pinterest is working for you or not.

At the end of the podcast, Erin also shared predictions for 2023 and the types of ads and additions to the platform she sees coming.

I hope this episode inspires you to jump into ads and leverage the sales of your products or get more leads!

For further reading/listening:

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