We see a lot of people share their positive experiences with Pinterest marketing, and we see those same people creating courses to help others get the same boost in their traffic. You’ve probably seen the posts titled: “I’ve Created a New Course to Help You Boost Your Traffic” that claims to help your content get more traction on Pinterest. However, before you fall in love with those posts, there is one question you should answer…

“What niche are they in?”

The reason you need to ask this is because you should evaluate if your niche will get you the same type of return theirs did. Additionally, it is so important for you to know what your current numbers are, so you can evaluate what your current growth rate is. Somebody can say to you, “I grew 10% month over month in 2023”, but you have to know what niche they are in and where their numbers were when they started. Make sure you are comparing your traffic to your niche and your people. Comparing your traffic to someone in a different niche is not going to be helpful. You need to accurately set your barometer so you know what you can expect when it comes to growth. If we were to compare Simple Pin Media, which is B2B (business to business), to a company who is B2C (business to consumer), that would be crazy since we are targeting totally different audiences.

In this post you’ll see the top niches on Pinterest right now. These are the niches we see getting the most traffic. If you don’t see your niche listed, don’t lose hope! That doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get a lot of traffic. Like we said above, compare your traffic within your niche.

Let’s dive in and break down each of the current top niches on Pinterest.

iPhone laying on top of notebook. Pinterest feed on the screen.

The Top Five Niches on Pinterest Right Now

1. Home Decor

Why it does well on Pinterest:

  • Pinners are driven by inspiration and dream-worthy content like creative ideas for their living spaces.
  • The visual nature of home decor content aligns with Pinterest’s image-centric platform.

How to stand out:

  • Create visually stunning Pins with high-quality images that inspire Pinners to dream and plan.
  • Utilize before-and-after visuals for DIY home projects.
  • Leverage video content for home decor tutorials and room transformations.

It’s worth noting that there are several layers to this niche. People who fit into the home decor niche might include interior designers, interior decorators, DIY-ers, and contractors. Each of those types of people are going to perform slightly different on the platform. It is much different for an interior designer to get movement on Pinterest because two things are happening for them. 1) People in the home decor/DIY sector are going to use Pinterest to share affiliate links or read their blog posts. 2) Interior designers and contractors are going to use it for marketing. This is a little bit different because they have to showcase what they have done (photo shoots, before and after photos, etc.) so that someone books a call with them.

The bottom line is that somebody who is a DIY home decor person is not going to be able to share their Pinterest strategy with somebody who is an interior designer. They’re both in the home decor niche, but they are in different sectors of that niche.


Why it does well on Pinterest:

  • DIY projects are inherently shareable and resonate with a creative audience.
  • People turn to Pinterest not just for ideas, but for step-by-step info on how to bring those ideas to life.

How to stand out:

  • Provide detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials in Pin descriptions.
  • Utilize infographics for quick project overviews.
  • Showcase unique and innovative DIY projects to capture attention.

People don’t turn to Pinterest just for ideas – they want step-by-step instructions. So if you are in the DIY and crafts niche, we highly recommend utilizing video to show visually how something is done. For those that are visual learners, this is the key! In addition to video, make sure to include instructions in the descriptions of static Pins. Whatever you do, make it approachable and easy.

3. Food And Drink

Why it does well on Pinterest:

  • Food visuals are highly engaging, making recipes and cooking ideas popular.
  • Pinterest users often use the platform for organized meal planning and recipe discovery.

How to stand out:

  • Focus on visually appealing recipe photos.
  • Include clear instructions & step by step details in each post.
  • Utilize video content for cooking demonstrations and recipe highlights.

Like home decor, food and drink can fall into a lot of different categories. There are the people who want more in depth, highly detailed, longer recipes. Then there are those who want something easy – 30 minute meals, everyday weeknight recipes, 5 ingredients or less. They want to know they can make it. So if you are in the food and drink space, you need to know who your audience is and what they are looking for.

Tip: Rich pins are really important if you are in this niche. These pins show the ingredients and come up when people are searching for particular things. We highly recommend you leave this on if you are in the food and drink space.

4. Fashion and Beauty

Why it does well on Pinterest:

  • Pinners use the platform for style discovery and trend exploration.
  • The organizational aspect of boards makes it easy to save ideas and outfit inspo.

How to stand out:

  • Create trend-focused boards and Pins that showcase diverse styles.
  • Utilize video content for makeup tutorials and fashion lookbooks.

One thing we don’t see often on Pinterest, but should see more of is people talking about why they love a particular product. This is common on instagram but not so much on Pinterest. A huge way to stand out on Pinterest in this niche is to start using video to share why you love a certain soap, what your skincare routine looks like, and how to style a specific article of clothing.

5. Travel

Why it does well on Pinterest:

  • Travel content inspires wanderlust and exploration.
  • Pinterest users often use the platform for trip planning and destination ideas.

How to stand out:

  • Create visually captivating travel Pins featuring scenic destinations.
  • Provide travel tips, itineraries, and insider insights.
  • Utilize storytelling through Pins to share personal travel experiences.

When thinking about promoting travel content on Pinterest, there are two options. 1) Beautiful imagery of amazing places that capture the pinner’s eye, and 2) Text overlay with “travel tips to Europe”, “15 Restaurants in Austin to go to in 2024”, or “Five Must-See Cities Before You Die.” Those text overlay posts really attract the attention of the pinner, drawing them in the plan their next trip. Both options are great, but will gain different traction on the platform. We encourage you to experiment with and without text overlay to see what performs better for you and your content.

Know Your Niche and Stand Out ON piNTEREST

If you are in one of the top five niches, congratulations! You are probably already getting a greater share of activity on Pinterest. The challenge for those who find themselves in one of the niches listed above is creating content that stands out. One thing we highly suggest you do is utilize the Pinterest search bar. Search terms you think people are using to find your content, see what else is popping up under those terms and who your competitors are. From there, create content that directly competes with them or has a slight shift toward something similar but different.

Circling back to the beginning of this episode – before you fall into the trap of thinking someone is going to be able to help you reach new heights in your Pinterest marketing, make sure you know the person selling this course has experience teaching in more than just their niche. Have they tested out this strategy or technique for multiple niches, especially including ones that aren’t in the top five? Evaluate who this person is and if you can compare your stats to their niche.

Each niche on Pinterest is different, and there is not a one size fits all approach. Narrowing down your niche and knowing how to market your content to the right audience is key for success on the platform. We hope this breakdown gives you a few ideas of how to level up your Pinterest marketing game.

More Simple Pin Resources:

Watch: Top 5 Niches on Pinterest

Building Your Brand On Pinterest

Pin Templates For Your Niche

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