In this episode, Erin Harding, our Pinterest Ads Director at Simple Pin Media, gives us a run down of all the new Pinterest Ads features coming in 2023. Not only does she go through the outline of what the features will be, but what to expect, why you should advertise on Pinterest, and how these new features will impact your business. 

As you head into 2023 and evaluate if Pinterest Ads are right for you, here’s something quick to remember.

Pinterest is NOT social media, it’s a visual search platform. It’s a feed of images and videos to drive inspiration and help people make decisions on what to purchase.

It’s search and discovery. Like Google, but way more visually appealing.

overhead shot of microphone with text "pinterest ads features - what's new in 2023".

Pinterest is full funnel (aka from top to bottom in your marketing efforts) and should be treated as such. You want to meet your audience at each phase of their journey. Whether they’re looking for inspiration, making decisions, or taking action. With the different campaign objectives, you can use specific targeting to reach your ideal audience on Pinterest.

Pinterest ads are relevant, appealing, and useful. They don’t pop up on mobile or on your desktop, they flow seamlessly into the regular Pinterest feed.


Pinterest is the first place people land to get inspiration for projects, life moments, and to plan. If you’re not there, advertising on Pinterest, then your ideal customer or reader won’t find you.

Will 2023 be the year?

new pinterest ads 2023 features


This is still in beta, but most of the accounts we work with have it. This option efficiently distributes your budget across multiple days with flexible campaign daily budgets!

With this update, campaign daily budgets move from strict limits to averages to allow for more flexibility in spend. In other words, if things are going well, your budget will continue to spend (within boundaries), and if you’re having a slow day, it may stop spending for the day to leave flexibility for the good days.

Hosted Checkouts

This feature is currently available for businesses who use Shopify (along with some other qualifications). This option eliminates additional steps to purchase! You can browse product images right there in the Pin, select sizes & colors, and purchase without ever leaving the Pin!! This is an option that can be activated by a quick toggle in your Shopify settings.

Shopify app > sales channel > Pinterest. From here, go to settings >shopping tab > toggle on hosted checkouts.

If you qualify, the option will be right there and available in your Shopify app. If you’re on desktop, it will look slightly different. Find it under Settings > Apps and Sales Channels.

Pinterest Trends tool

The Pinterest Trends tool has been around for a few years, but has become more comprehensive. It enables advertisers to see what’s trending with their specific audience, which helps guides strategy for ad design, messaging, and more!

If you haven’t played around with it yet, try it- have fun!

Learn more about the Pinterest Trends tool in this podcast episode we recorded when it was new.

overhead shot of microphone sitting on table.

UPCOMING pinterest ads 2023 features

Pinterest API

This integration will work for everyone, all platforms, businesses, brands, and creators. You can view, create, and edit ads, create audiences, view analytics in a more extensive way than what’s available now. There will also be real-time inventory updates. It’s going to be awesome!

The Try On Feature is coming to Pinterest advertising!

Whether you’re trying on lipstick or eyeshadow to buy OR using the virtual option to place furniture in your home, the Try On tool allows your audience to try before they buy – increasing your super hot qualified leads!

The Try On feature has only been available for standard Pinterest marketing (aka “not paid”) and we’re super excited to see it come to ads.

new ad formats?!

Over the years, Pinterest has put out a few different types of ad formats. But this year, they’re releasing several different types and we’re so excited!

Premiere Spotlight

This is a 24-hour video placement across all devices, which will allow you to showcase your latest launch or products. We’re guessing we’ll see bigger brands here (like new movies and car companies), but what a cool new option! We’re excited to see how this plays out – what’s the cost, what type of brands will be using it?

Quiz Ads

This will be an interactive ad experience that brings a deeper level of engagement with a brand’s ideas on Pinterest. It’s a few simple questions that can be asked

  • Which movie character are you most like?
  • What aesthetic matches their personality?
  • What is the perfect menu item based on your taste preferences?

For us here at Simple Pin Media, we have several different options for services, DIY memberships and products, and much more. A quiz ad would be awesome to help people self-select what service or product would fit them the best!

Showcase Ads

This is a creative solution for brands to feature seasonal or trending products – without needing to make content updates on their own site. Users can swipe through branded imagery to discover things like: seasonal looks, mini recipe books, unique features of an automobile, or tips to style a look. This all happens within the ad itself!

Instead of creating an entire sales page or blog post on your website, this could be a way to feature a product of yours that is SUPER seasonal.

Lead Ads

This is what we’re most excited about! These ads will allow brands and businesses to capture quality leads right in the Pinterest app! Users can opt-in and quickly get back to their discovery business. We’re so excited to try this out!

Pinterest is really going all out to make it easier for people to convert. And we know that people go to Pinterest FIRST for inspiration.

If you are considered e-commerce or have a proven offer or product, we highly recommend looking into Pinterest Ads for 2023, reallocating advertising dollars, and educating yourself on how Pinterest advertising will elevate your business.

We’d love to hear from you! Are you utilizing Pinterest Ads? Maybe you’ve thought about trying them in 2023, but aren’t sure where to start? Let us know where you’re at by leaving a comment on this blog or sending us a DM on Instagram.

For further reading/listening:

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