This summer we’re airing a story series for those who need a little break from all the Pinterest tips and tactics, and just need to listen to how others approach business and grew their platform. These are a series of business owners I’ve handpicked that I hope will inspire you (and me!).

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In today’s online world, there’s so much to navigate if you’re a maker trying to get in front of consumers.

This is the story of jewelry designer Andrea Li, who’s helping to teach other makers how to use Pinterest to market their product.

“Jewelry chose me before I chose it” — Andrea Li

person's hands making jewelry with text - "summer story series jewelry marketing on pinterest - listen now".

selling jewelry on pinterest

She started her business before the internet, and when it came, she was terrified of it. People had to buy her jewelry all IRL (in real life). She knew that if she didn’t get on board with the internet and all it could do, she’d be left behind.

Andrea started diving in to everything she could find about the internet. She initially listened to bigger thought leaders, but she found that the things they were teaching weren’t helpful for a small business.

Small batch makers usually get into business because they love making things, but don’t really have the marketing know-how. Andrea really wants to help shorten the learning curve for online marketers. More specifically e-commerce sellers, because she feels there’s so much to learn right out of the gate.

One of my favorite tips Andrea gave us:

“I should have started with “how do I do organic marketing” before going straight into paid advertising”

Andrea says if you have a really good understanding of how to do organic marketing and get results that way, it’s sort of like boot camp for paid advertising. She says paid advertising is like turning on the faucet for your organic marketing strategy.

I’m so delighted to share more of her story with you. 


  • Did you intend for your business to grow to the size it is today?
  • What has been your greatest joy when it comes to running your own business?
  • What has been the hardest aspect to running your own business?
  • Anything that has surprised you about being an entrepreneur?
  • What’s a usual week look like for you while bouncing back and forth between your different business types?

She also shared so many fantastic business tips for online marketing. She’s constantly testing and tweaking and finding new ways to bring new people into her online space and nurture her current followers.

“It’s one thing to drive traffic to your site, but it’s a whole other thing to capture your visitors when they get to your site” — Andrea Li

woman with dark hair looking up.

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If you want to hear more from Andrea, check out her jewelry website, Andrea Li Designs, and her Pinterest marketing for makers site, Red Pin Geek. She’s also on Instagram @andrealidesigns and @redpingeek.

For further listening/reading:

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