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Genius Blogger’s Toolkit: The Ultimate Blogger’s Bundle

When I teach Pinterest Marketing, I always remind those listening that having a content side (blog) will help sell your passion. It’s that know, like and trust factor that people need before they follow or purchase. The thought of blogging on top of marketing can be really overwhelming. Some resist the idea and others forge ahead without a plan.

RELATED: Do product sellers need a blog?

For four years I worked with a frugal blog finding ways to monetize, share posts and update social media. There was a never-ending list of “to-do’s”. As if you couldn’t get ahead.

Then you read another person’s tip, follow podcasts and sign up for every free webinar you can just to find out that you’re spending your entire day learning and never implementing.

Enter the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit. A one-stop knowledge base for anyone wanting to start a blog or grow an online business. Seriously, this toolkit is amazing and how it’s structured is just as awesome. Reading through it my jaw literally dropped at all the awesome resources included — tools to help you grow your blog, work smarter & make more money. But without the sticker shock!

Inside the Toolkit you’ll find 13 eBooks, 52 eCourses, 6 printables, workbooks & templates, 1 membership site +++ several additional bonuses. This toolkit is valued at over $6000. This means if you were to buy each and every one of these products, that is how much you would pay!

I’ve been involved with the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit for several years and have been so, so impressed with how they create their bundles. I personally know several of the people who have contributed products, so can absolutely recommend. I’m even contributing one of our Simple Pin products this year!

What’s Inside?

The team at Ultimate Bundles has put together the best resources on ALL the topics that matter to bloggers, like mastering social media, monetization, creating and selling products, time management, and productivity, nurturing an email list, and so much more.

In total, the toolkit includes over $6,000 of blogging tips, strategies, tutorials and amazingly practical information and ideas.

Sounds overwhelming, I know. But let’s look at this from a different angle. Where are your major pain points? Where are you feeling the most frustrated or the most overwhelmed?

Here’s what my team and I recommend from the toolkit:

📌 Exclusive ProBlogger Workshops and Masterclasses — Everything ProBlogger puts out is one thousand percent worth it. This product is valued at $99 and if you get NOTHING else from this toolkit, this is absolutely worth every penny.

📌 Convert + Connect Blueprint: Get your welcome sequence set up on Convertkit in an afternoon by Bev Feldman — Convertkit is the email delivery software we use here at Simple Pin and we LOVE it. It’s simple to use, but has some really robust features if you want to dive in. We also believe having an automated welcome sequence is so super important to engage your new email subscribers.

📌 Elevate Your Emails: Secret insider tips to monetize your email list by Debbie Gartner — We’re big fans of Debbie here at Simple Pin! Love the idea of making sure you’re getting full use of your email list.

📌 Independent Contractor Agreement (Freelancer Contract) or Terms & Conditions Template — These are both legal contracts/templates that would make this bundle totally worth it. Legal contracts are SPENDY, but you absolutely need them.

📌 Laura’s Little Black Book of Tools: Top Tools for Building and Growing an Online Home Business by Laura Smith — We’ve worked with Laura on a few other promotions and she’s so smart and detailed. This is bound to be an amazing resource!

📌 Wicked at WordPress by Chelsea Clarke — This is designed to help you manage, update and editing your very own WordPress site. We know this is a big roadblock for many who know they should start their own site, but just don’t know where to start. This product is valued at almost $600!

📌 The Ultimate Mompreneur Trello Bundle by Cara Harvey — I’ve followed Cara on Instagram for a few years and she’s got it TOGETHER. Without actually seeing this Trello bundle, I can totally guarantee it’s worth it. She’s invested in business owners and moms and she just gets it.

📌 UTM Workbook + Bonus Canva Pin Templates by….. Simple Pin Media! Ha. These are products created by our team and are $74 at retail price! Comes with 30 pin templates + a workbook and video that will help you create custom UTM codes to track the success of your images.

Everything I’ve mentioned above retails for over $1000, but with the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit, you get all this and MUCH more for just $97.

Even if the sheer volume of product overwhelms you, you can pick and choose what you need the most RIGHT NOW for your business and you are guaranteed to get a great value.

Even better, they’re all about making sure you LOVE this toolkit. There’s a full 30-day happiness guarantee, so there’s really no risk in trying it out.

The most important detail here is that toolkit is only available for a limited time! After Monday September 27th, the sale ends and you’d have to buy all of these products individually.

Get what you need to work smarter instead of harder, grow your platform and earn more money.

Click here to grab your toolkit today!

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