Laptop with image of salad in a bowl on the screen and text overlay "Food blogger pro".

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Why Food Blogger Pro?

Blogging is a tough business. It just is. Before starting you have grand dreams of buying the perfect domain name, website theme, a nice camera and you’ll dazzle the world with your amazing recipes. Oh, and a cookbook is on the horizon too! I know many of you are laughing right now because you know it’s so much more than that.

There are several blogging courses on the market and it’s hard to choose which one is best. Let me help. I currently endorse Food Blogger Pro. This is a blogging course specifically designed to help food bloggers develop out their craft in a strategic way. It’s business building and well supported by community experts (yes, I’m one!) in their forums for additional help. Not to mention the plethora of video courses on every topic imaginable.

What you’ll learn from Food Blogger Pro

  1. The best tools for starting a food blog
  2. How to take beautiful photos with artificial light
  3. How to increase traffic with easy SEO tips
  4. How to track your blog online with Google Alerts
  5. The best way to structure your blog’s permalinks
  6. How to set up branded short URLs
  7. How to generate income from ebook
  8. The best way to set up giveaways
  9. How to create and submit a sitemap
  10. What FTP is and how to use it
  11. How to optimize your images
  12. How Google Webmaster Tools can improve your SEO
  13. The right way to use anchor text in links
  14. The most important tools in Photoshop
  15. How to set up a branded email address
  16. How to back up your site so you don’t lose content
  17. How to adjust the manual settings on your camera
  18. How to set up a caching plugin and CDN
  19. The best way to use affiliate marketing
  20. How to use Photoshop to enhance your images
  21. Photo editing workflow tips and tricks

Is it worth it?

After Bjork had me on the Food Blogger Pro podcast I was asked to join the Food Blogger Pro community as an expert on Pinterest. I’ve been able to see the inner workings of the course, answer questions to help food bloggers grow their Pinterest following and watched other experts walk alongside students as they learn and discover new ways to build their food blogging business. It’s absolutely worth it if you’re a food blogger. The community they have built inside the program is one of the best. Support from fellow students as well as experts is key to growth.

Here’s what Debra said below in the comments:

I’ve been a member of Food Blogger Pro for about a year & last weekend had the pleasure of meeting Bjork & Lindsey at Everything Food Conference! They have an amazing amount of knowledge & they love to share! Their online courses are so helpful, highly recommend FBP!

 How do I sign up?

Enrollment is open May 24th through May 31st. Join here!

In the meantime, be sure to grab this helpful resource from the folks at Food Blogger Pro:

Blue box and text overlay "7 essential tools making recipe videos. Free PDF!".


  1. I’ve been a member of Food Blogger Pro for about a year & last weekend had the pleasure of meeting Bjork & Lindsey at Everything Food Conference! They have an amazing amount of knowledge & they love to share! Their online courses are so helpful, highly recommend FBP

    1. Thank you for that comment! I’m going to use it above in the post.

      And I totally agree. I have mostly worked with Bjork and he’s so kind and helpful. Lindsay seems the same way.

  2. I think this food blogger pro affiliate program would work well for people looking to take their food blogs to the next level. Very little do some people still know that blogging about food can be quite a lucrative online career starting out as a side hustle. Another thing many people don’t know is using blogging as a means of turning a food blogging side hustle into a full-time business is possible with the ability to quit their day jobs and put themselves in the position to be a potential future blogging millionaire. There’s plenty of blogging millionaires who blog about food and other things who no longer work day jobs. Just look at the success of food blogging site She used to be an elementary school teacher turned full-time blogger years ago. I can go on and on about food blogging and side hustles. But a savvy minded entrepreneur will see opportunity in this food blogger pro limited time enrollment and take advantage of this unique opportunity.

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