Time for June Pinterest trends already?!? Is it just me or did June come quicker this year? Each month, as I do these “What to Pin..” episodes, it seems like the month goes by more quickly. Here we are, at the official start of the summer and one of my favorite times of year. I love June for a variety of reasons.

School is out and our family is together. Things finally turn green here in Portland before the dreaded brown lawns of July and August appear. Life just seems to slow down a little bit.

collage of summery images - text overlay \"text overlay \"What to Pin in June: Content Planning Made Simple\".

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Marketing in June

On the marketing side of things, it is important to know that June is a time when things typically slow down as well. The early days of summer bring tons of activities for your readers — everything from graduations to Father’s Day, cookouts to camp-outs. People are outside more and on their devices less.

Here at Simple Pin, we have spent a ton of time tracking and analyzing data from hundreds of clients over the past several years. Account after account, we have seen the same thing. Summer brings with it lower numbers of views, repins, traffic, and sales.

June Pinterest Trends

What to Pin in June

These are the items you want to pin organically, based not only on the searches that people are doing right now, but will be doing over the next 45 days. Pinterest has made it clear that you need to be pinning things in advance. So you definitely should be thinking about what’s coming down the pike as you create your marketing plan.

With that in mind, if we look out 45 days from the beginning of June, we can see that we need to focus on content that’s relevant all the way through August. Here are a few things that you can pin right now-

  • 4th of July – picnics, crafts, kids’ activities, barbecues, cookouts, any and everything the 4th.
  • Canadian Day – for our Canadian friends, you have Canada Day on July 1st so you can be pinning for that. If your audience stretches the globe, go ahead and pin for both of these holidays.
  • Staycations and Weekend Getaways – many people can’t afford to travel. Instead, they’re looking for staycation ideas or simple and inexpensive weekend getaways. A great content idea for this would be, “5 Great Places to Visit in ______”. (Insert your city.) You could create these posts across several different categories like restaurants, kid-friendly ideas, picnic stops, free things to do, etc.
  • Baby Showers – did you know that more babies are born in August and September than any other month? If it fits with your audience, share games, decorations, food, gender reveal ideas, baby shower cakes, etc.
  • Gardening – gardening is a very geographic-specific topic. So try to address the zone and climate that you live in if you have some hyper-local followers. Pin recipes that you can create from your garden produce. Check magazines or online publications for ideas.
  • Grilling – nobody wants to turn on the oven during the summer. Find grilling ideas for whatever style of recipes you are known for, whether that’s Keto, paleo, Whole 30, or vegetarian.
  • Vacations – share tips for those folks who are planning a real getaway vacation. Great topics include: packing tips, how to avoid tourist crowds, getting tickets for a great price, and dining out tips.
  • Swim Fashion – there is no end to what you can talk about in this realm. You can target different groups of people (e.g., moms), or cover categories like budget-friendly swimsuits, and the best places to look for swimsuits.

Related: Pinterest Marketing for Travel Bloggers & Businesses, Pinterest Marketing for Food Bloggers & How to Use Pinterest as a Fashion Blogger 

Another great way to get your finger on the pulse of what’s trending on Pinterest during a specific timepoint is to explore keywords using the Pinterest Trends Tool.

What to Promote in June

There is no end to the myths surrounding promoted pins. That’s why Alisa Meredith and I did an entire episode debunking these Pinterest myths. One of these myths is that if you start a promoted pin campaign, Pinterest won’t show that pin organically anymore.

This could not be further from the truth. I believe in traffic campaigns that drive clicks — which means traffic — to your site. I like promoting things that are already doing well for you but also testing out new things to get some traction on them.

When you start promoting pins, focus on what’s happening in that specific month. In June, that would be Father’s Day, travel, outdoors, weddings, and summer trends. June is the tail-end of the summer trend time so if you have content related to summer fashion, now is the time to get those pins promoted.

To run a successful campaign, promote your pin for more than 3 weeks. You can‘t get real data on a promoted pin that you cancel after 3 days. It takes at least 3-4 weeks to start seeing gains from a campaign. Give it time, people. Give it time.

Related: Complete Guide to Promoted Pins

collage of summary images - text overlay \"June Pinterest Trends\".

Content Planning

Here we are on my favorite topic. I could chat about content creation ideas for a very long time without running out of ideas. I love the creative process and I love giving people ideas.

When we talk about content creation in June, we are thinking ahead to fall. That’s right, fall. Your content for summer should already be created and ready to pin so now we move ahead to the next season and begin planning out and creating content for that season.

Depending on where in the country (or the world) you live, school starts back up anytime between early August and after Labor Day. By the beginning of August, your back-to-school content should be ready to go — topics like: making lunches, productivity and organization…yes, organization.

I know we think of January as prime organization time, and it is. But when kids go back to school and we get back into our routines and rhythms, people long to get organized. If you write at all about organization and productivity, you need to be hitting it hard in August.

But let’s say you’ve already started working on your back-to-school content and you want to think even further ahead. My advice for you is to look at your analytics and see what people have been pinning the most. Dig around through the pins of the people you follow and who follow you and see what they’re pinning.

People tend to worry about copying others when it comes to creating content and I would never endorse stealing or copying content. However, there really aren’t any new ideas out there — only ideas that get rewritten, rehashed, and improved upon year after year. So if you see an idea that you know you can improve upon, use it!

Tip of the Month

The tip of the month is a way for you to take action, but in a very simple way. Here it is:

Lifestyle images are more effective and more attention-grabbing than product shots.

Product shots are useful. They come into play when people are searching for specific products so it’s important to share both. Let’s work through an example.

Let’s say that you have an e-commerce business and you sell a planner. You’ll need one picture of just the planner with a plain background. This allows the user to hover over the image and find even more pins that match that search. This user is doing a visual search, not using the search bar.

Put that planner into action in another shot! Show it in an office setting or on your desk. Show people how it can be used by filling out some pages and sharing how you use it. In a lifestyle sho, you demonstrate how the planner is actually being used in real life.

Monthly Action Tip

Ask yourself these questions-

#1- Is your current brand image and message reflected in your Pinterest profile?

Pinterest revealed their new profiles around 6 weeks ago. I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love it. For a visual search engine, I think it’s perfect. If you want to start getting serious about getting your image down on Pinterest, start with your cover photo.

When deciding what to display in that cover section, I highly recommend pulling from your “Best of…” board. I share “Best Pinterest Tips” on my cover photo. Let me say first of all that this is not 100% my own content but it’s content from people that I support so I am fine with sharing it.

#2- Does your name display what your business is about?

When my Pinterest opens up, it says, “Simple Pin Media – Pinterest Marketing and Management”. Right away, you know what I’m about. I regularly check to be sure my description is up-to-date as well. If you have any dates in there, make sure they are current. I may or may not have had a 2017 date in my description into 2018 until someone told me about it.

#3- Is your profile picture updated?

I recently updated my own profile picture from the one I had done a couple years ago. Whenever you make changes like this, you want to be sure that your photo is the same across all social platforms so that everyone knows it’s you.

#4- What kind of shape are your boards in?

The key when it comes to your boards is thinking about how to best serve your people. Pinterest has said that having boards that don’t match your marketing doesn’t hurt you at all which is great. But you want your followers to look at your boards and know what you’re about.

I have food boards and DIY boards, for sure. However, I have to be intentional about pinning to my Pinterest boards because that’s what my business is about.

Related: Spring Cleaning Pinterest Boards

I hope you can take some of these tips and implement them this month in your own Pinterest marketing plan. Be sure to leave a comment and tell me how you are taking action on your own Pinterest account this month.

Time Stamp-

 1:40 Marketing in June
 2:45 Action Items
 7:00 What to Pin in June
14:40 What to Promote in June
16:40 Content Planning
18:35 Tip of the Month
20:44 Monthly Action Tip


  1. Hi Kate, I’m so grateful to have just found you. I just listened to your last two podcasts and it’s exactly the information I’m looking for. Thank you for what you do. I will be downloading your planner!

    I have a question that I haven’t found an answer for yet. I own a brick and mortar store that has been around for 12 years. That Pinterest account has about 3,400 followers. I’m now creating a personal brand that has similar content as my store. Can I pin the same content to both boards without messing up the search or ranking? Or, do I need to come up with separate content for each account?

    Thank you!

    1. You can, but I would always make sure the content is similar and applies to those in your niche. Sometimes what I’ll do if it doesn’t, is create a secret board and pin for myself personally.

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