The biggest shopping time of the year is upon us and it’s time to prep your marketing on Pinterest to get more saves and sales. We’re going to break down some ideas for you on how to target specific keywords in niches and how to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to your Pinterest marketing this season.

Pinterest is very different from other social media channels. With Instagram and other more “social” channels, you have to be far more agile with your marketing tactics. With Pinterest, the foundations have pretty much stayed the same over the years.

What are the Pinterest “basics” or foundations?

  • Eye-catching images that stop users from scrolling and make them want to click
  • Quality keywords that represent your product or niche (download our free keyword guide for ideas)
  • Consistency on the platform – the number of pins you pin per day is less important than remaining consistent

And finally – connection! Not necessarily a social connection, but more around how you’re connecting with your target audience and how you can reach them and provide inspiration using all the pieces above.

If you haven’t mastered the basics or aren’t sure if you have, take our super quick Pinterest marketing quiz. Just four questions!

collage of holiday gifts with text "sell more products on pinterest this holiday season".

increasing pinterest sales

If you’ve got the basics mastered, it’s time to level up with some creative tactics. 

Our first suggestion is to diversify your pin types.

Static (or standard) pins are what we consider your “pillar content”. These are the pins that need to be pinned at least six weeks before a holiday actually happens, to get them circulating so your audience can find them.

If you feel like you’ve got a good routine with your static pins, it’s time to test out video Pins or Idea Pins. Or both!

If you’re ready to go a little bit further, check out Pinterest Ads. Check out our Tutorials Hub for past Pinterest Ads episodes and resources. 

Let’s talk about Idea Pins 

It’s so important to create Idea Pins for your business on a consistent basis, but it’s uber important to create Idea Pins for the holidays! 

The holiday season is such a great time to show your expertise or the value of your business/product. Searches are up. Pinners are looking for tips, tricks, recipes, ideas, solutions. Use Idea Pins to give big value or solutions to the problems they’re having, and keep them coming back!

And guess what? Idea Pins can be pinned the week of the holiday you’re targeting, not necessarily so far in advance to get ahead of search. As I mentioned above, static pins need to be pinned at LEAST six weeks in advance.

microphone and laptop sitting on white desk.

pinterest trends and keywords

To find keywords in your niche, be sure to use the Pinterest Trends tool! You can drill down to the United States, the United Kingdom, or Canada.

This tool shows when trends for specific keywords are the highest. Check out our podcast on Pinterest Trends here.

Here are a few ideas for different niches that are hot this time of year!


  • Makeup looks for Halloween
  • Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s
  • Holiday party ideas

Travel during the holiday season

  • Best places to stay
  • Best times to fly
  • Best Chinese restaurant for Christmas dinner
  • How to travel with gifts in tow


  • Homemade gift ideas/tutorials 
  • Fun DIY activities to do with family in town
  • Holiday decor ideas

Health & wellness

  • How to stay grounded during the holidays
  • Ways to find peace during this hard season (loss, grief)
  • Holiday journaling 

This is just a small sampling of ideas to help you increase Pinterest sales! Listen to the full podcast for more and make sure to use the Trends tool.

We’d love to hear from you! How do you plan to market your products this holiday season? Leave a comment here on this blog post or take a screenshot of this podcast and share your tips on Instagram. Tag us @simplepinmedia.

For further listening/reading:

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