The Simple Pin Podcast hit a big milestone today – 300 episodes! To celebrate, we’re talking about where we’re at with Pinterest, and why we’re still invested in the platform.

If you’re coming to this post from the podcast episode, the giveaway has ended.

two women sitting on couch with text "episode 300 - why we still think pinterest is worth it".

the podcast on pinterest marketing

In this episode, I shared where the podcast started, how Simple Pin has changed over the years, and why we still love the platform and serving you.

I also shared why it’s important to me to hold on to creative control, but outsource so much of the rest.

Over the past several months, we have worked hard to make the podcast more flexible and agile so we can bring you the most up to date information. We try to strike a balance between working ahead of time and staying on top of trends.

Pinterest is such a tricky platform to talk about as well. Marketers are at so many different stages, either brand new to the platform or a veteran with a few specific issues. Maybe your niche is super specific or you’ve been blogging for almost two decades. We want to make sure we’re helping people exactly where they’re at.

I also talked about how we answer the question – where do we plan to go in the future or what are you committed to when it comes to Pinterest?

For further reading/listening:

five women smiling at each other.

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