This summer we’re airing a story series for those who need a little break from all the Pinterest tips and tactics, and just need to listen to how other’s approach business and grew their platform. These are a series of business owners I’ve handpicked I hope will inspire you (and me!).

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Today we’re diving into the story of Bjork and Lindsay Ostrom, owners of Pinch of Yum (and 5 other businesses!). We talk a lot about being a maker versus a manager, what it’s like to manage so many businesses AND a family, and so much more.

Their beginnings with the original blog came from Lindsay’s love of sharing recipes with her personal Facebook friends. Bjork suggested starting a blog, to which Lindsay said no initially. She felt that she wasn’t qualified and wasn’t an expert.

Once they started, they realized that their skills complemented each other so well. They had a great mix of strengths – from content creation to website tech to building ad revenue. They were able to wade into the waters conservatively while they were working full-time jobs. Bjork says it worked well for them, because they were just out of college (no “lifestyle inflation”, he says), and low expenses before having their family.

woman stirring food in bowl with text "summer story series: navigating multiple businesses and family".

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Running Multiple Businesses

Under their parent company, Tiny Bit, they are running multiple businesses! Each separate business has a general manager, and Bjork oversees all of the different businesses. He says he makes sure all the general managers have what they need and takes care of the “boring behind the scenes stuff”.

The name Tiny Bit came from getting “a tiny bit better every day”.

Pinch of Yum is their original blog, that they now consider a database of recipes and recipe inspiration. POY started in the spring of 2010!

Food Blogger Pro is specifically designed for food bloggers – both new and advanced. The information within this membership site is extensive, but laid out well so you’re not overwhelmed. They just added a quarterly membership option, which starts at just $99!

I asked Bjork and Lindsay how they came up with ideas for each of their businesses. Bjork said they just continue to listen to their audience and when they hear people say “this is a problem that I have” or “this is a tension point”, they find a way to solve for that.

“Do we feel like there’s a need out here that we could solve in a unique and helpful way?” — Bjork Ostrom

woman and man smiling in kitchen.


  • Who was your first hire within your business?
  • Did you intend for your business to grow to the size it is today?
  • What would you tell someone who is thinking about running multiple businesses?
  • What has been your greatest joy when it comes to running your own business?
  • What has been the hardest aspect to running your own business?
  • Anything that has surprised you about being an entrepreneur?

If you want to hear more from Bjork and Lindsay, find them at their recipe website, Pinch of Yum or on Instagram @pinchofyum. You can also check out their membership, Food Blogger Pro, or listen to their podcast.

For further listening/reading:


  1. Thank you for sharing this lovely chat with Bjork and Lindsay, Kate! I’ve been a Food Blogger Pro member since 2017 and have really been inspired by the Ostrom’s story. Kate, you too have been an inspiration to me. Thanks for being so encouraging and helpful to us content-preneurs!

    1. Aww Emma, thank you for taking the time to share this with us! I’ll make sure that Kate sees it. Cheers!

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