This summer we’re airing a story series for those who need a little break from all the Pinterest tips and tactics, and just need to listen to how other’s approach business and grew their platform. These are a series of business owners I’ve handpicked I hope will inspire you (and me!).

This is the last episode in our summer series. We’ll be kicking off August with episodes around where I see Pinterest going, and how we’re thinking outside the box with our growth strategies. There have been a lot of changes on the platform recently, that will most likely impact our strategy around the upcoming holiday season.

Don’t miss an episode! Add a reminder to your calendar and be notified as soon as a new episode is released.

woman holding coffee mug with text "summer story series - growing a pinterest marketing agency".

Today we’re diving into the story of Presh Rodgers, who helps online business owners and content creators learn how to drive more people and profit to their business leveraging Pinterest.

She’s been in business since 2019, right before the pandemic hit. She felt lucky that she was already migrating to the online world, and felt supported by the coaching program she was involved with.

Her original plan was to be a virtual assistant and travel the world while she was working. She has two degrees, but just decided that she didn’t want a “traditional” career. A friend of hers that she ran into while traveling abroad was going to teach English in another country, which led Presh to teach English in Korea for 3 years.

nicheing down to a pinterest marketing business

Presh originally started working across ALL platforms, but found herself nicheing down to just Pinterest. She felt that her experience teaching to kids who had trouble with the English language translated into being a good teacher of Pinterest. You have to learn how to teach people in a way that makes sense for them, especially when the topic or platform is so different.

We talked a LOT about the Strength Finders test and how we’ve worked within our strengths, and delegated out the things we aren’t as good at. We also talked about pivoting in business, how to be creative with what you offer, and so much more.

I’m so delighted to share her story with you! This was such a fun conversation.

woman smiling in blue dress.


  • When and who was your first hire?
  • What has been your greatest joy when it comes to running your own business?
  • What has been the hardest aspect to running your own business?
  • Anything that has surprised you about being an entrepreneur?
  • What is your 5 year plan? (Her answer will surprise you!)

If you want to hear more from Presh, check out her website here. or follow her on Instagram. She also has a free Pinterest training here. Presh is also an author and is excited to lean into TikTok to help grow that side of her business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the respite that this story series has brought. I’ve so enjoyed listening and learning from other business owners and feeling inspired.

If you’ve enjoyed the series, I’d love to hear from you! We always want to make sure that what we’re creating is helpful, impactful, and a good use of your time. Leave a comment here on the post or DM us on Instagram.

For further listening/reading:


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