Today, we’re talking about November Pinterest trends and what you should be pinning in November to help your business grow this month. We often use the word ‘trending’.

What we mean by that is that certain topics tend to be more popular during this time frame than any other time of year (e.g., in November, many people are searching Thanksgiving topics instead of 4th of July). These trends are another example of seasonality on Pinterest.

collection of November-themed images - text overlay \"November Pinterest Trends. What to Pin for Increased Traffic\".

Because Pinterest is a search and discovery platform, users go there to gather ideas, research and plan future projects. They put enter search terms into the search box in the hopes of finding what they are looking for. The way you optimize your content as a Pinterest marketing is to use those keywords in your post title, pin description, and board names (get more information on Keywording on Pinterest here).

November Pinterest Trends: Top Keyword Searches

Thanksgiving — Of course, at the top of the trending list is Thanksgiving. Think Thanksgiving dinner, decor, side dish, dessert, specialty diets (whole 30, skinny, gluten-free) kid-friendly crafts, games, tablescapes, games etc.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday— I used to work for a deal blog. I LOVE Black Friday sales and they usually start online on Wednesday evening. I still get the deal shakes thinking of finding deals online. Take this time to teach your readers how to find deals, best sites and resources for stretching their dollars. This is also a good time to post about how to stick to a budget. Round up posts on certain products are AWESOME for this. Make sure you listen to episode 69 to learn how to create gift guides. That will help tremendously as you’re thinking of what to create for your readers.

Gift Ideas — again, this goes back to the round-up gift guides. Be thinking of what your people are really interested in. I was able to do a WAHM mom gift guide in episode 71. DIY gifts are also a big hit! Some people are struggling financially and need ideas for how to make gifts from home (or maybe they are just way more creative than me and like to create gifts).

Travel — Thanksgiving is one of the highest volume traffic days in the US. I would say North America but Canada has their Thanksgiving in October. Be thinking of car travel tips, travel games, air travel tips, snacks to pack, hacks, activities, and what to do if you’re stuck in an airport. People will save those to their travel boards.

Related: Pinterest Marketing for Travel Bloggers

Comfort Foods — Give me all the Instant Pot and slow cooker recipes you can. I need fast, easy, and super good. Appetizers are starting to take off as well as people head into the Christmas party season.

Related: Pinterest Marketing for Food Bloggers

Winter prep  — Posts on how to prep the house, cars, and kids for the winter season do very well right now. (Please say this winter will not be as awful as last year. Ten snow days almost pushed me over the edge. Those of you who live in winter states, I’m so sorry.)

What’s Coming Down the Pike? 

Christmas — Decor, treats, gifts, recipes, trees. Anything Christmas

Hanukkah — Hanukkah is on the rise as well. Think Jewish recipes, decor, games for children, traditions. Mara of Kosher on a Budget does a great job with creating round-ups for Jewish holidays.

Kwanzaa — I don’t know much about this holiday so I won’t show my ignorance in sharing the types of content you should create. But it’s a good idea to search Pinterest for content ideas!

New Year’s Eve parties — Popular content includes: cocktails, dresses, crafts for kids, hair, nails, desserts and celebratory items.

Another great way to get your finger on the pulse of what’s trending on Pinterest during a specific timepoint is to explore keywords using the Pinterest Trends Tool.

collage of November-themed images - texts overlay \"\"November Pinterest Trends\".

What You Can Do to Prepare

Update & Optimize

What do I mean by update and optimize? Let’s say you created an awesome post last year about cranberry sauce and it did really well. You received a lot of clicks to your site, and people found your cranberry sauce recipe super helpful. You haven’t looked at it since. Visit that post and link to any other relevant posts on your site that the reader would find helpful.

Next, add in any affiliate links that will help the reader make the recipe or even some cute dishes to serve it. If you had those links in their last year, change up the dish you like or simply make sure the links still work. Then add in a place for them to sign up for your email list. Maybe it’s a printable list of your top Thanksgiving side dishes that they can download for free (including the cranberry recipe and 4-5 other side dishes).

Rinse and repeat. Do this for all other posts that did well the previous year.

Related: Email Marketing is Alive and Well

Expect Traffic Spikes

Thanksgiving is HOT this month. In fact, we’ve seen over the years many posts get tons of clicks suddenly on the days surrounding Thanksgiving, because people are clicking on the recipe they have been waiting to make. Expect to see spikes in traffic on both Wednesday and Thursday of Thanksgiving week.

Take Action

If I were to ask you what type of content does well for you during this time of year and you told me that your cranberry sauce kills it, I’d first check to see whether you have a Thanksgiving board. If you did, and it’s titled just”Thanksgiving”, I’d say, let’s create a new board called Thanksgiving side dishes or better yet, best thanksgiving cranberry sauce recipes. How cool would that be?

Really niche down with your board titles, especially if you have a lot of content that fits on that board. Then create spin-off posts, such as: Sugar-free cranberry sauce, cranberry-orange sauce, Cranberry sauce with honey, etc. Giving them more options to choose from may increase page views when they hop over to your site. So your task is to expand your boards by adding a niche board that fits the traffic pattern for the month.

Want more info? Make sure you download the Simple Pin Planner for all of these tips, trending topics and more.

Has this post given you food for thought? What posts will you be dusting off out of the archives to showcase in November?

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  1. Hello Kate,

    Good shout over here 🙂

    We all know every Month there is something new which need to be pin on pinterest. Every months has their own trends and
    people came over here to gain knowledge about their own query

    Indeed November is bringing lot of things with it, there is black Friday and cyber Monday to talk about,
    People love to travel during this time of year, tips for getting prepared for winter is another thing one can get indulge
    on Pinterest.

    Thanks for the share.


  2. Hello Kate,

    I always wondered where and what specific type of program people use to lighten or do special effects with their photos before pinning to Pinterest. I don’t know anything other than using free stock photo sites to upload photos to my Pinterest account. And yeah, I do feel stuck on stupid, because the stock photos that I upload are bland and dry. And one more thing…how do Pinterest pinners manage to make those attractive stretchable images that gets tons of repins by others? Would you happen to know what site or program I could use for that too? Thanks for discussing this post. 🙂

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