Today I’m sharing a replay of a podcast episode I did with Megan of Eat Blog Talk, about the basics of Pinterest marketing. 

It’s probably one of my most in-depth interviews to date on the nitty-gritty elements of Pinterest.

We covered it all – from the sizing of images to AB testing to video pins and Google Analytics. We talk about whether to use a scheduling tool and Pinterest goals. Like I said, very in-depth!

While we were specifically talking to food bloggers on her podcast, there is so much helpful information that applies to everyone, regardless of your niche.

Make sure you listen to the interview and also download the Simple Pin Pinterest Planner to help you grow your business.

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing a bit about the topics we touched on and then giving you a list of episodes of this podcast that you can go back to if you want to learn more.

top of table with coffee mug and smart phone. Text overlay "Pinterest marketing essentials: best practices you need to know".

The Basics of Pinterest Marketing in 2020

Pinterest Images

Images are one of the most important parts of Pinterest marketing and something we talk about a lot here at SPM. They are what drive the user to click on your pins and visit your site. Traffic is what we’re all looking for!

Knowing your audience is crucial when it comes to your images. You want your images to catch the eye of your ideal person.

Related Posts/Episodes:

Video on Pinterest

Is video gaining traction on Pinterest?

Pinterest is making a push to show more videos to their users. You want your video to be a teaser. The goal is to get the user off the platform and to click over to your site.

If you haven’t tried video out yet, definitely give it a shot.

Related Posts/Episodes:

Knowing Your Pinterest Avatar

Knowing your person is so important. Everything you do should be targeting and benefitting that person.

There is a ton of gold hiding inside of your analytics that will help you know more about your person and what they’re looking for.

Related Posts/Episodes:

Pin Descriptions, Pin Keywords, and Hashtags on Pinterest

Your pin descriptions and keywords are as important as your images. They tell Pinterest what your image is about.

You can use Google or Pinterest to search for keywords. Choose keywords based on your best guess about what your people will be searching for.

We’re still looking at data on hashtags. What we have seen is that your hashtags need to be closely related to your keywords. Be very specific.

Related Posts/Episodes:

All About Pinterest Boards

Just like with your keywords and hashtags, you want to be very specific with your board names.

The board name, the board description, and your pin description all help to inform the algorithm on the specifics of what the audience wants.

If we are not specific, the user won’t be able to easily find our content when they are searching on the topic.

Related Posts/Episodes:

Pinterest Group Boards

Are group boards dead? Should we even use them?

What we want to be focused on is where our content is going to serve our people best. Group boards can work, but you should focus more on your personal boards and content.

Rule of thumb: don’t be dependent on other people to share your content.

Related Posts/Episodes:

Pinterest Marketing Goals

There are no magic numbers when it comes to Pinterest. No “pin this number of pins a day and you’ll see growth” formula.

The only clue you will have is in your analytics. Your Pinterest strategy should be informed by knowing what your person wants.

It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers based on other social media platforms.

You have to focus on your “funnel” (like one used in cooking). Pinterest puts the user in at the top, and it’s our job to pull them through the funnel and get them to our site.

Take an hour a month and make notes on what people are clicking on and what they like from your content. There is no “right” way to do things.

Related Posts/Episodes:

top of desk with coffee mug and smart phone.

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Pinterest Education

If you’re looking to really dive into Pinterest and do the best you can with the platform, there are lots of places you can learn more.

You can take Pinterest courses. Only do this if you enjoy taking courses and have the time to devote to them.

If you’re not into courses, set up a 1-hour consultation call.

Focus on one thing at a time. You don’t want to become so overwhelmed that you begin to hate Pinterest.

Related Posts/Episodes:

Should I Use a Pinterest Scheduling Tool? 

I mentioned using Tailwind for analytics and resources. I 100% recommend it because it is a great analytics and productivity tool for your business. Tailwind is a preferred partner of Pinterest and they adapt and change with the platform.

Scheduling your pins allows you more time to work on content creation and other aspects of your business, so we’re huge fans of scheduling tools.

Related Posts/Episodes:

When it comes to the basics of Pinterest marketing, the most important thing to remember is to not chase other’s people’s success.

It’s very easy to look at someone else experiencing growth and want what they have. This will just prevent you from seeing what’s right in front of you.

Don’t fall into the comparison trap. Look back at where you’ve come from and see your own success and growth.

I hope you enjoyed this episode on the basics of Pinterest marketing with Megan.

If you know of any food bloggers, make sure you send them to listen to Megan’s podcast at Eat Blog Talk to get more information about how they can excel in their food blogging.

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